You have on more than one occasion responded to me with the accusation of racist.
That alone is reason for me not to want to consider you seriously.
I have, on more than occasion, acknowledged that the police around the country are liable to discriminate, unfairly, against African-Americans.
There is, however, no evidence that the police are killing African-Americans indiscriminately.
This doesn't mean that there haven't been incidents where police have unjustly killed African-Americans, but when White Americans are also killed unjustly by police, and Minority Cops are killing minority suspects, it's a tough case to make that it is all about racism.
The reality in our society today is that whenever an African-American is killed by police, there are protests, often violent, irrespective of whether the shooting was justified.
This is not OK, and the threat of "No Justice, No Peace" is noxious.
I abhor police brutality and criminality irrespective of race, but I am not prepared to assume every cop shooting is unjust.