I think that getting rid of monuments to American white supremacy is clearly analogous to getting rid of Nazi symbolism in Germany ...
Quote:For all the hand-wringing about preserving the memory of our forebears and the historic character of our cities when it comes to the Confederacy, Americans see things a little more clearly further from home.
Is anyone aware of Directive 30, jointly issued by the Allies in May of 1946, regarding exactly what to do with Nazi monuments and memorials?
Of course free speech means that people who want to advertise that they are white supremacists will always be able to stick a Confederate flag on their bumper or forehead or front lawn.
But there’s no reason the rest of us should have to use our tax dollars to maintain thousands of Confederate hero statues in public spaces all over the country.
I'm interested to hear people's reactions to this analogy. the test of Directive 30 is longish, but I've C&Ped a relevant portion...
Quote:4 May 1946
Legislation Dealing With the Liquidation of German Military and Nazi Memorials and Museums
Directive 30
The Control Council directs as follows:
On and after the date of this directive, the planning, designing, erection, installation, posting or other display of any monument, memorial, poster, statue, edifice, street or highway name marker, emblem, tablet, or insignia which tends to preserve and keep alive the German military tradition, to revive militarism or to commemorate the Nazi Party, or which is of such a nature as to glorify incidents of war, and the functioning of military museums and exhibitions, and the erection, installation, or posting or other display on a building or other structure of any of the same, will be prohibited and declared illegal; also the reopening of military museums and exhibitions.