Izzy is a good foil for me. So is DrewDad.
Part of of my theme here (if I have a theme) is the way that ideological narratives on both the right and the left often are unable to deal with facts. People who put ideology ahead of reason or facts often turn to personal attack rather than reasoned argument.
Reality doesn't fit a simple ideological narrative. This is why every political stance can be questioned. Intellectual honest means being willing to listen to different political positions (even positions I don't agree with) and accept when the facts don't fit my stance as perfectly as I would like them to.
Izzy is a perfect example of someone with a simplistic ideology who resorts to personal attack when the facts don't match his narrative. And the groupthink of people like DrewDad who find arguments over the use of the word "allusion" more important than the bigotry being shown against Melania for her gender and her nationality.
DrewDad chooses sides based on political ideology rather than on any standard of right or wrong.
Since one of the reasons I am here is to challenge ideological purity on either side (and I find my fights with Guijohn on the right to be very similar to my fights with Izzy on the left) I appreciate both Izzy and DrewDad. Every nasty personal attack against me for stating my opinion make my point about ideological purity that much stronger.
It is nice to have such foils.