Melania Exposed: Trump Furious
Mar 23, 2016 by Donna Garner Education Policy Commentator EducationViews.org
“Melania Exposed: Trump Furious”
By Donna Garner
In spite of the hoopla raised yesterday by the Trump campaign, he lost big-time in Utah where Cruz got 69.2% and Trump got a measly 14%. In delegate counts, Trump only beat Cruz by 18 delegates – not exactly a knock-out day for Trump.
What this tells us is that in a state such as Utah that reverences pro-family, pro-marriage, and pro-traditional values, the people there overwhelmingly chose Ted Cruz who holds their very same values.
The people of Utah evidently saw right through the glitz and glamor of Donald Trump and were not fooled by the supposed “conservative” image of him and his family that he is trying to portray during the primaries.
Now a new element has entered the “picture,” literally. GQ Magazine (for whom Melania Trump did a naked photo shoot in 2000) decided to publish those photos in a 3.4.16 article.
(To find the GQ article, the public — including the entire world — can easily do an Internet search under “photoshoot with Melania Trump from January 2000.”)
To raise the political heat a little bit more, yesterday the Washington Post decided to publish one of those nude photos of Melania (https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/03/22/donald-trump-just-threatened-to-spill-the-beans-on-ted-cruzs-wife/?hpid=hp_hp-top-table-low_bush-610a%3Ahomepage%2Fstory).
The photo clearly states at the bottom, “Paid for by Make America Awesome. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee.”
This statement means that Make America Awesome, without any authorization from any candidate, chose to make those photos public probably in an attempt to alert Utah voters to Donald and Melania Trump’s very scandalous past.
Because those naked GQ photos are now popping up everywhere, this has made Donald Trump furious because they rip off the “conservative” mask around himself and his family that he has worked so hard to sell to the American voters during the run-up to the primaries.
Trump’s problem is that he cannot actually sue the Washington Post or GQ Magazine for defamation because the photos are real; Melania posed for them willingly.
As any typical Narcissist does when his god-like status is questioned, Trump had to find someone upon whom he could direct his wrath. That person was Ted Cruz; and Trump sent Cruz a tweet that said, “Be careful or I will spill the beans on your wife.”
Now exactly what is there secretive and negative that Trump could possibly find to say about Heidi Cruz? Trump’s problem is that Ted Cruz and Heidi have already told their life stories, warts on all, in their book “Time for Truth,” published on June 31, 2015. In that book they told of Heidi’s brief bout with depression and her victory over it (p.179).
It is also public knowledge that Heidi was a member for a short time of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) where she focused on economic issues to try to influence CFR to support free-market positions. John Bolton is still a member of CRF, probably trying to do what he can to influence CFR in a better direction.
Heidi Cruz was one of 31 people who wrote a CFR report, and here is what Heidi Cruz wrote about the final version:
I support the Task Force report and its recommendations aimed at building a safer and more prosperous North America. Economic prosperity and a world safe from terrorism and other security threats are no doubt inextricably linked. While governments play an invaluable role in both regards, we must emphasize the imperative that economic
investment be led and perpetuated by the private sector. There is no force proven like the market for aligning incentives, sourcing capital, and producing results like financial markets and profit-making businesses.
This is simply necessary to sustain a higher living standard for the poorest among us–truly the measure of our success. As such, investment funds and financing mechanisms should be deemed attractive instruments by those committing the capital and should only be developed in conjunction with market participants.
Below are many interviews and articles in which Ted and Heidi Cruz have opened their lives to public scrutiny, speaking honestly about every aspect of their lives. Trump is going to have a hard time digging out any scuttlebutt to throw at them because of the Cruz’s honesty. On the other hand, Trump and Melania have much to hide from the voters.