You are being ridiculous.
I don't care that he used "White Conservative." I would ask him the same question I asked you. Since you consider yourself an expert on all of his inner thinking maybe you can answer it for him and yourself.
"White Society" was a whole lot different in MLK's day than it is today and that is the point I keep trying to make on both fronts of this debate.
You have created a fake, Martin Luther King that will be acceptable to White conservatives. In doing so you are ignoring the real life, and the read beliefs and the real writings of the real Martin Luther King.
You don't see why trying to change what Martin Luther King actually said to make him acceptable to White conservatives is offensive? That is what you are doing.
You can't help yourself, can you?
I have?
How and when?
I don't know who is trying to make MLK acceptable to those evil "White Conservatives," but if they are, what's the big deal?
Of course your answer is
Ideological Purity, but from a practical point of view (and in issues of the conditions black people are enduring) isn't getting a problem solved more valuable than political soap box pronouncements?
So if we could summon the spirit of MLK, we could ask him a few questions:
Q: "So honored that you could be with us this afternoon Rev. King, and we promise we won't ask you any questions that might provoke an answer that is contrary to our mythos."
A: "No, don't worry about such things. Ask whatever questions you have.
Q: "Let's say, for discussion purposes, that "White Conservatives" make an attempt to claim that your message is conservative, and this leads to them being more kind, gracious and fair to black people. Will you blow a gasket?
A: I would be foolish to reject even only marginal improvements in the conditions of the people for whom I speak, unless it was part of a larger quid pro quo that required me to reject my principle
Q: From your spectral viewpoint, capable of looking back in time to when you walked the earth, do you think all your gave was worth it? Did all of your efforts and the efforts of brave men and women who joined your cause result in an America where it is the same or worse?
A: No, of course not. There is still much good work to be done, but no longer does there exist the almost unbreakable barriers of Jim Crow laws, Unpunished lynchings, a federal government that considers black citizens "second class" and widespread, public expressions of racism.
Q: Thank you Dr. King. Of course you know max is going to go apeshit over this dramatization?
A: Why would I care enough about what Max would like to be my positions regarding what are, essentially, tangential issues. Yes, Unions are important to America, and No, the Vietnam War never was something the US should ever have entertained, let alone send 50,000 American kids to their deaths. And for what? However, I have fought, my whole life, to create an America wherein black Americans can experience the American Dream. While we are not 100% there, there have been tremendous strides since my day. I only wish I could be there in body to lead the next wave.
Q: Were you a socialist; or even a Communist?
A: What? Have you been listening to me?