@Finn dAbuzz,
Martin Luther King was unequivocally on the progressive left. He was standing up to the White, Conservative political establishment. The Conservative political establishment was, at that time, doing much the same thing that they are doing today; they were opposing changes to laws that disadvantaged political minorities and the working class.
Martin Luther King, in addition to "having a dream"
- opposed the war in Vietnam
- strongly supported and marched with unions
- openly called for affirmative action.
- open called for the redistribution of wealth
- insulted police officers and organizations that he saw were racist
- supported voting rights and called for the elimination of laws that disadvantaged minority voters.
Conservatives want to pretend that Martin Luther King only ever said four words. That is because these are the only four words that they agree with.
The people who marched with Martin Luther King were Jesse Jackson and John Lewis. If you don't like what they have to say, then you shouldn't pretend you would have liked Martin Luther King either.
The white-washing of Martin Luther King to make him palatable to the conservatives he died struggling against is very frustrating.