Now dookie, you know those ties to terrorism don't have to extensive in order for some folks here to claim they are important. When you can't focus on more the one thing at a time, (must only think about invading Iraq--ignore all other world conditions..) you bring a certain mindset to the table. Iraq needs invading and by gum no one else in the world is going to tell us to slow down about that, so off we go.
Oh, and thanks for bringing this up:
Quote:Perhaps you can enlighten us as to why both Powell and Rice back in March of 2001 were telling us that Saddam was contained, that there was NO evidence of his expanding weapons program, and that there was no need to start a war in Iraq. Then perhaps you can tell us why both Bush Sr. and Former Admiral Scowcroft were staunchly against a pre-emptive invasion of Iraq.
That was back in those heady days when Rice thought that Russia was still the big threat to US interests. (Talk about not changing your mindset, she was still thinking it was 1985) And Powell was revealing the truth, something that has put him on the outside of this administration from day one. Both of these persons have announced they are leaving at the end of this first term, no matter what the outcome of the election. I shall not miss Rice, I think she should have been fired long ago. I think we will miss Powell's limited, but effective, influence on people like Wolfowitz, Cheney and Rumsfeld.
was contained. Everyone in early 2001 agreed. Two no-flys zone over his country. UN inspectors sniffing on a daily basis. Sanctions had the country hogtied and whipped. What changed? 9-11. Suddenly, Saddam was this terrific danger. And the neos went looking for some, what they thought, easy target, forgetting that those sanctions and no-flys had built an anger against the US in Iraq so deep that it didn't matter that Saddam was in power, it was the US that was the cause of Iraq's misery.
So now, we arrived. Saddam is in jail. And the Iraqis can finally get at those they see as their real oppressors. They're wrong, but we have to wait till they stop shooting before we can talk to them about it.