musiclvr wrote:cjhsa wrote:Personally I don't see what you could find attractive in an age group with its pants around its knees and underwear pulled up to compensate. I was at a mini-amusement park over the weekend and saw exactly one attractive female, with class and some fashion sense (and no tattoos), and she was about my age.
Actually he doesn't wear his pants like that but that's completely irrelevant. It is not merely a physical attraction as some would think. BUT I know it matters not at this point.
So, what
is the attraction? I mean, his life experiences are not your life experiences. He hasn't lived very much yet, probably not on his own holding down a job and paying his own bills, making his way in the world (as I would assume you have.) He probably hasn't read the same books you have (unless you aren't fond of literature, or he is an exceptionally precocious reader.) He hasn't participated in any national elections. Do you share common interests? What are those (besides kissing, since you mentioned that one.

That is my main burr: the disproportionate age/life experiences... Suppose you were interested the
other way... 42/17 is, um... 2.47 and some change... So, instead of you being interested in someone 2.47 times
younger than you are, suppose it were a person 2.47 times
older than you... He would be, um, lemme see... nearly 104 years old... Now, let's suppose that
he were interested in someone 2.47 times
younger than himself... that would be 0.40476... um, if the object of your soulmate's affection were a young thing of 6.88 years old, would you be ok with him kissing her the way he kisses/ed you? No,
of course not. Why? Because the disproportion between the ages and the life experiences which accompany age...