Hi all, all clicked............
Go here=
Scroll down to 'Graphics Tools' - then 'Image Compression' - click and look around. This stuff is FREE and all tested.
Then go back to the first page and scroll down again to the Graphics Tools block and choose 'Image Viewers' - on that page scroll down to "IrfanView". It's a free program and an excellent program.
After you choose the program you want and have downloaded it and become familiar with it - all you have to do for an avatar is take the photo of your choice - open it in the program and resize it to no more than 90 pixels wide by 100 pixels tall at a normal density of 72 pixels per inch. That done, save it to a file you can get to easily and go to your personal A2K's Profile page. At the bottom, click "Browse" next to "Upload avatar From Your Machine" find the file - choose the avatar - click it. Then after you click "submit" - your new avatar will greet you at the posting site.
It's easy.
Now, let's see some really good avatar stuff!!!!!!