Hi all, I lost updates again. I seem to always be two pages behind.
Welcome, Blath and hello to you returnees who don't know me.
Matrix, good news about the house sale closing soon. Hooray!!!
I don't know if you've thought about trying this, but on a recent inheritance, we actually received three payments. The preliminary one (about half) was just to get some cash into the hands of those who needed it desperately, then the other half came later when the estate was all settled. A bit had been held back for taxes, etc, so when all was finally settled, a third check arrived (a small one) with the tax forms, etc.
Sometimes people will stop complaining once they get some cash to play with. At least they'll be distracted for a while.
I'm fortunate with my Dad's estate because he liquidated everything beforehand. All I have to do is pay the bills and divide what's left over.
Any of you out there who are thinking about what will happen upon your demise might remember Matrix's situation and prepare as much ahead of time as possible. In fact, my husband and I need to bring our wills up to date-- so much has changed recently.
And here's something some of you may not know-- If the deceased is a veteran, the VA will pay for their burial in a National Cemetery. they provide the plot, the headstone, the ceremony and all. They even paid for two thirds of the cremation cost. That was a nice surprise.
Sorry to get off onto such a dreary subject, but these are real things that have to be dealt with eventually and the more we know about it the fewer regrets we will have later. I sincerely home no one else on this thread will need this info for a long, long time.
Sending get well to those of you with the bug and stay well wishes to the rest.
I'm gonna go click now.