Hi, everyone! Just have time for a quick hello today. wayfarer and I are all clicked for...
The s-i-l from you know where has been trying to cause more problems with my m-i-l's estate so that's taken up more time than she's worth lately. She's a pain, but as soon as this is all over I never have to see her again. What a relief that will be!
Also, my m-i-l's house has been up for sale for a short time and already we have some offers on it so that's interferring with some of my online time, but hopefully this too will be temporary.
Pumpkin soup. I've heard of it, but never had any before. After reading the recipe for it, I think I'm going to have to try it. It sounds really good!
just susan...
I'm glad your night out with your brother was fun. I imagine your dad was glad that the two of you went out, too. I know that when I'm not able to go and do something for whatever reason, I always feel bad whenever it causes others to not go and have fun, anyway. You just have to take those breaks every now and then - they're good for all of you. I'm still holding you all in my thoughts...
danon and ul...
I'll have to take a look at your photos when I get a little more time to stay on the Internet, but I'm really looking forward to seeing them.
I've noticed that the team that used to be ahead of my sub-team has either stoppped clicking or has really slowed down during the past couple of weeks. Enough so that I've even passed them. I'm wondering if the hurricanes may have caused some of the teams to either lose clickers or the ability to click. Just a thought.
Stradee and just susan...
We've been having quite a bit of rain up here in the Seattle area for the past couple of weeks and even more is predicted. We've needed it badly because everything got so dry over the summer. With much cooler temperatures and everything being so wet and the trees changing color, I have no doubt that Fall has arrived in the area. Hope you guys get some of your much needed rain down there, too. Actually, it's kind of nice for a change, but I still prefer Spring over any of the seasons...everything starts over and is new again in Spring. I like that best.
Hope everyone is having a great weekend!