That's an interesting take on it, timber.
Poofity poofity hair! Cute pic!
I'm known for lipreading accents, as soon as I nail 'em down. I can be squinting at someone, then ask "Are you from Germany?", he/she will own up to it, I say "OH!!" and it's clear sailing after that. Usually. I don't think of Canadians as having an accent per se -- spent a lot of summers in Canada with relatives as a kid.
One thing I like about the idea of having a terp is just that it makes me a lot more relaxed -- if I miss something, I can just look at the terp. And then what happens, paradoxically (sorta) is that since I am more relaxed, I actually do better with lipreading. Relaxation and letting all of the cues wash over you and come together is how it works, when it works.
I like the idea of meeting some of you beforehand a lot. Not sure if that will be a possibility or not... still not sure when we will be arriving. And while that is likely to help, there are aspects inherent to groups that make things treacherous. I can be in a group with E.G. and several good friends and still have a terrible time. I can control the situation to some extent -- where I sit, lighting, and asking that people not speak over each other (I'll be bossy about this, unless it's a private sub-conversation) -- but there is still a lot of tennis-match-style head-whipping and missing things. (Looking to the left while the person on the right says something, whip over to the right but too late, meanwhile left replied, whip back to the left... etc.) It's all what I see -- I get no assistance from auditory channels at all -- and there's only so much you can see at once.
Haven't decided yet, but thanks much for input. (And I have a feeling I'll be able to read a twinkle in Swimp's eye jest fine...)