glitterbag wrote:
You are missing my point. I suspect you are intentionally missing my point

Because we interact enough ... that you know me so well?

[Hint: We don't.] How is this assumption NOT dismissive?
Quote: I also can't watch the 3D* version of anything, not Anne of Green Gables nor Pulp Fiction. It triggers migraines, but so do certain odors, the smell of Rose wine, and certain fragrances so I avoid the trigger. So those things are better suited to other people who don't get migraines.
So? You're claiming that you get migraines from all anime you've watched? I can see that some anime can be far too hectic/spastic visually and capable of inducing negative physiological effects on someone. Those hyperactive ones being the ones targeting kids. If you deliberately pointed this out? And conceded that not all anime falls under this subgenre of the medium? You would have made a good argument. But you didn't. You doubled down and strongly implied/claimed the opposite.
If you said that all animation gives you migraines? I would have never made a comment. Anime is animation. That's it. Animation that comes from Japan (though some people are now arguing that anime can come from South Korea, China, and the style is being found to a limited degree in American productions). But that's all it is. Anime is animation.
Not sure how one gets migraines from reading comics/graphic novels AKA manga ... but ... #shrugs. Kind of doubt you ever got your hands on a manga novel... but ... I'm supposed to conclude you have plenty of experience there as well?
*As for 3D? Very little anime has been converted to 3D because that costs money and anime tends to not be big box office hits to justify that investment.