Builder wrote:Only semi-automatic weapons, and pump-action or lever-action weapons were banned.
In other words, almost any gun even remotely useful for self defense.
I believe they overlooked banning pump rifles because the people behind the gun ban didn't have much clue about guns. Did they ever go back and change that?
Builder wrote:You can still purchase traditional hunting weapons of most calibres, and shotguns.
Not if that traditional hunting weapon is a semi-auto or lever action rifle, or a semi-auto or pump shotgun.
Builder wrote:There are conditions on your ability to secure a gun license,
In other words, even to get one of the remaining types of guns, you have to convince a government bureaucrat that you "need" the gun.
Builder wrote:which should be the case in any developed nation,
No. The lack of freedom is appalling. Developed nations should be free, like the US is.
Builder wrote:as well as a cooling off period between selecting your weapon for purchase, and receiving it.
The only point of a waiting period is to hassle people. Not acceptable in a country where people have rights.
The most noteworthy thing about Australia's appalling ban is that it kicked off a massive crime spree where both armed and unarmed robbery rates went through the roof for five years.