Quote:Leadfoot Quote:
Oralloy is right about the only place an 'assault weapons' ban leads. A ban on guns or at least a desire to
I think youve been drinking NRA Koolaide
The USSC has been mostly behind the redefinition and retailoring of "what the Constitution rally means"(at least until recently when it decreed otherwise), so ooriginalism was again met and won over.
I always said it would be a generational change for guns.The country cant keep going like this and theres the NRA feeding its minions in congress and "scoring" their single issue lackies while people are dying, will, eventually be seen for what it is. It will be a generation or more away, but weve gott come out of the caves in this country.
While my quote does sound like an NRA sound bite (never been a member btw) my sentiment originates from conversations with gun control advocates. The fact that they SINCERELY thought the 2nd amendment applied to the Army or National Guard and it took this long for the USSC to say no, 'the people' means 'the people' proves to me what the ultimate goal of the gun control movement really is.
But did you notice how you went from 'Nawh, that's just NRA propaganda' to 'Sooner or later, the other side will win' in a single post?
They will not give up and as you point out, it will be via the USSC 'updating'/changing/gutting the obvious meaning of the 2nd. They will ultimately win and it won't stop with cosmetics of the gun.
But Even if and after gun ownership is curtailed or banned it will have no effect on the rate of atrocities and the social engineers will choose yet another meaningless emotional bus to climb aboard.
That need for an emotional issue to 'believe in' is the real issue and that's why I don't wade into the gun debate very often. If it isn't guns (Pro or Con), it's alcohol, MADD, crack baby myths, vaccination pro/con, AIDS, Zica, the disease of the day, automobile safety, etc. There is a niche for everyone in need of one.
But after all is said and done, I don't think we're coming out of our caves. You can update/change the constitution but peoples is peoples.