Gee, oralloy, looks like you're having a REALLY bad week. Despite your years of pontificating about semi-auto riflenbans being unconstitutional because of what you call "cosmetic" features (which are the same features that military auto rifles have, and the military obviously doesn't consider them "cosmetic" or they wouldn't be there), two different circuit courts have upheld the bans, and now the USSC has refused to hear challenges to those bans. Gosh, looks like the bans are constitutional in spite of you. You're wrong .
And your mantra of guns for everybody anywhere at any time, sees the NRA cutting and running. You're way out on a limb here, boyo. NRA spokeman says no one is advocating guns in bars, and in fact think it's a bad idea. Wow, someone at the NRA finally admits guns and alcohol are a toxic mix. And the NRA's argument (and Trump's) that what we need is more guns to take out the shooter also took one in the gut after the massacre at the Pulse, because the club says they had armed security guards there. And we saw just how much good that did, didn't we? No bullseyes for you from any of your arguments. But then despite your self-puffery that's pretty much what we've come to expect from you.