@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:
BTW, saw my nephrologist this morning for $25. I get good medical care for $25. I love my Medicare.
Yes, you love your Medicare, but you never mention your Medicare Advantage insurance. Why?
Yes, you get good medical care for $25, and you are among the very few Americans in the US, who can get quality care for $25. The quality of care is not a function, of whether or not you're on Medicare. It's a function ( at least in part), of your location in the US. Your Medical Center, that treats you in California is very well known for having an excellent Residency training program. In part your excellent care derives from the excellent MDs, who train there.
You could go to another State, pay $25 for a "visit" with a provider and receive very poor "care" if any care at all.
The folks receiving excellent care in the Boston area pay with cash, and keep an army of Doctors "on retainers" by paying a $2000-$5000 per year membership fee to join a very special group plan offered at major Harvard hospitals. If need be, at any time and on any day of week, month, year, you are able to see a "high-end" medical specialist. Medicare is not accepted. Insurance is not accepted.
This plan is legal. However, it is only for those who have the funds to pay for it. "Special plans for special folks".
And so it goes...