Can't any of you comment on illegal immigration? There is a difference you know and I support legal immigration...
Sure. Americans have always been law breakers. It is part of our desire for liberty I guess. Breaking laws for the greater good is as American as anything you can Imagine.
We started with the Boston Tea Party. American Patriots protesting what they saw as an unfair law with vandalism.
Hundreds of Americans participated in the Underground Railroad which led thousands of slaves to freedom. This was directly against the law.
During prohibition, millions of Americans refused to give up the drinks they enjoyed in spite of the fact it was an illegal pleasure. Thanks to them, we can enjoy a beer today.
Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on a bus. Hundreds of black americans violated laws enforcing segregation. These brave illegal acts are mark a seminal point in American History.
And there are more....
People breaking laws for a good purpose-- to work hard, gain education and give a better life for their families.
How can you get more American than that.
(but then, I have always been an outlaw
