As to "you don't know unless you've experienced it"......How do you know I, or any other person here hasn't? That is a very condescending thing to say. People do have empathy, and do not have to experience your personal sorrow, or happiness, to know what it feels like. You're not unique.
That's pretty presumptive of you to assume you have some sort of insight unique to the situation.
As to your sources, have you examined what those statistics actually mean? I mean what they translate to in real numbers? Or at least are persented on a consistant basis? You can take any statistic and manipulate them to say whatever you want, or to make it appear more dramatic than it really is.
For instance, I ran some numbers concerning your first link, on the Finland study.
First off, the language is so deceptive. It speaks simultaneously of suicide associated with pregnancy as a percentage of the studied group, and immediately jumps into death per 100,000, then mixes in that teens in all the groups (cause of suicide being pregnant, miscarriage, abortion or actually giving birth), and finally that "Women who had committed a suicide tended to come from lower social classes and were more likely to be unmarried than other women who had had a completed pregnancy."
I mean, it's all over the place. Where is the consistency? Well it's not there because if it were, the numbers would not be so "alarming"
Did a woman kill herself because she had an abortion, or was it because of something else? Perhaps that she was in poverty? Was drug addiction, abuse, or anything else involved? This could be said of any of the groups.
Trying to run the numbers for this, it seems like they counted suicides for all women as 1347 for the given period. If you add up the numbers (having to be derived from percentages as opposed to cases from 100,000, I came up with that about 31% of all women commiting suicide in Finland did so because of something having to do with the process of having a baby.
Seriously? 1/3-ish of all the women killing themselves did it somehow related to their uterus? What else was going on?
I'm not going to go through your other links, but I did look at the Wales numbers....In that one it actually states that "In total, 30 suicides were committed after women gave birth, 29 after an abortion, and 14 after a miscarriage."
So according to this, the same number of women killed themselves after giving birth, as those that aborted. Not very compelling evidence that women aborting are offing themselves.
I have to ask myself, how many of these women would have committed suicide if they had no pregnancy at all? We can't know that, but logically, they would have to be subtracted from the other numbers.