Me thinks the rabbit lady is just looking for that tongue, such talent can be put to other duties, hmmmmmm
Oh Bill! (shuddering) I am not a tongue (re kissing) gel at the best of times - and believe me, this is repulsive - but fascinating. I have no idea what beer it is, though - so it has failed. Heehee
It had to fail, all the women will be too busy concentrating on the tongue !!
Um, I don't think they're tryin' to sell the beer to women, G.
Thank God I haven't seen this one here in the U.S....yet. But the advertising just gets stupider and stupider. (Or am I getting smarter? hmmm...)
But Eva dahling, men DONT need any advertising for beer
Eva, wasn't it Bucky Beaver who use to sell toothpaste - I don't really think that advertising has ever been "smart", I think it is the "lowest common denominator" thing
And, BTW - you're getting better also
the canine was here?
I missed the canine? <sob>
Thanks, BillW!
Yes, I remember about Bucky Beaver, et. al. Some advertisers sell down to their audience, some sell up. And some advertising people mistakenly think they're in **SHOW BIZ** instead of sales. That never changes.
As the old industry saying goes,
"Good Advertising Is Advertising That Sells."
Well, I think Craven is just trying to cut down on his competition. Or has that already been said before? In any case, I don't think it's workin. Human nature being what it is and all.........
And as for that tongue.......if it can grow so long it crosses the street and dips in to get what it wants, well...........excuse my perverted little mind, but that sounds pretty good to me. Some people tell me I think like a man about these things.....and I think I often agree with them. tee hee But it would also sell me no beer.....but then, I hate beer. It's definitely not my drug of choice. (having fun today, feels good.)
The best advertisement for beer is a simple reminder of its existence. I'd like to thank you all for performing that very service.
Can't go wrong with the beer commercial with the mud wrestling women, now there is a commercial
Lola wrote:Well, I think Craven is just trying to cut down on his competition. Or has that already been said before? In any case, I don't think it's workin.
You would that I were so carnal. <shakes head>
It is with
genuine altrusim that I take on the responsibility. I'd liken myself to Jesus, this is my cross to bear for the betterment of mankind.
Yeah, but the bastids doant appreciate the genture and haven't taken me up on my offer, it still stands.
massive amounts of bowing and genuflecting throughout the universe creates cosmic waves to be viewed for millennia
is that left foot on right leg? or the other way around, I can never remember.
Hey! The tongue is normal length - it plops out of the mouth - completely out - like a big, red slug - and sort of bounces along on its bottom.
Youse people are weird.
Poor Margo! he dinna even leave a fart for you!
Well, dlowan, you must admit that a tongue that knows that much about how to get what it wants is a tongue one might want to get to know. laughing