Men should abstain from 'relations' with the evil ones. I will continue to have relations with them and keep them all updated.
Girlcott them!
Smacks forehead. I just moved a few more notches away from feminism.
Craven.............I think you protest a lot. Some of us don't bite, but if you want to be bitten, we can do that too.

Whatever is your pleasure.
Thanks Butrflynet for the I get it. :wink:
Craven de Kere wrote:Men should abstain from 'relations' with the evil ones. I will continue to have relations with them and keep them all updated.
Girlcott them!
the other men were supposed to boycott wimmins. i will carry on as usual. :wink:
I'm by your side pueo, I look on it as a necessary task to mankind, rehabilitating evil wimmin!
Hmmm - Craven's little idea has met its deserved demise - none of the mins will stand united behind him....
Butrflynet wrote:girlcott
noun. A boycott that includes only female participants.
Yeah, but as long as we mins can watch, it's okay by me...
I could try to join a girlcott, but when the monster raises its ugly head I must execute its bidding!
I am weak..............
Oh yes, you guys, rehabilitate us.................
Some serious min lyrics:
The Italian Polka (Si, Caro Subito)
Vaffaculo, mangia melo
mi pompino, una puttana,
tu testa di merda, mange la gatza,
ey vaffan Napola
faccia bruta, i coglioni
che chiavata meravigliosa
mi prude il culo grafiamelo
si, caro subito
good night Cav.............I only speak one language! What does that say?
I understand most of it. Blush.
There's an alternative definition to girlcott also.
If a boycott is an action to discourage people from patronizing a company, product or cause, then a girlcott is when you want to encourage people to patronize a company, product or cause.
LOL! Craven just wants all the other mins to boycott women!!!
I always say, one man - one woman - one cot!
Works for me
Bob Marley said it best - "No Woman - No cry"