almost all of us of course :wink:
Dammit! You made me spit on the screen when I could not contain my snort of derision!
yes, li'l peccary?
are you a male chauvinist peccary?
haven't snorkled in a while....lost me snorkle!
more of a warthog i think.
Warthogs are wonderful - in a weird way - very individual - very determined - I have always wanted a pet warthog.....would they mind a little coat in winter, do you think?
Will they do tricks? Would they walk on a leash?
never know until you try.
Hmmmmm - where do they sell warthogs? Or must I capture my own....
cannot afford to go to Africa....wonder if the zoo has any?
Would a warthog be happy in an apartment?
How would I get a warthog over a wall?
warthogs seem to be pretty nimble, walls should be no problem. house training though may be another story.
maybe you should try to get one of those vietnam pot belly pigs first. if it doesn't work out, you can always have a bbq.
pork-the other white meat.
Hmmmmmm - pigs are smarter than dogs...
But dogs are much cuter....
but dog and pork don't taste the same. don't ask me how i know, just take my word for it.
but what does this have to do with evil wimmins?????????????
Dunno - we appear to be digressing - I guess you mins have lost your thread.....
All yr fault, u taught us how to digress....
So, it is bad, is it? I rather like it.....
I knew a gentleman once with a pot-bellied pig as a pet, walked it on a leash, took it to the park to "do its business"--the whole nine yards. I do believe they can be house trained--and they yeild much more meat in times of necessity than a dog . . .
But, then, i digress . . .
Wimmins be evil (there, now we're back on track).