where have all the evil wimmins gone?
have they surrendered?
Two chances of that, one fat, one slim . . .
Ahem, Ahem
I can't come and play with you
I can't come out and play
It's not because you're dirty
It's not because you're clean
It's 'cause your folks are Protestants
And you eat margarine
(Irish childrens' street song)
well, i guess that's that then
"See, the problem is that God gives men a brain and a sex organ, and only enough blood to run one at a time." Robin Williams
In literature magic only ever works for women. Apparently only they can be witches.
hmmmm, most covens i'm familiar with have male witches. i used to think they were called warlocks, but i was corrected.
why do i know witches? i don't know. must be my aura or something <sigh>
Ahhh, Robin Williams - my favorite philosopher!
AHEM!!!!! Whatta loada crap!
so you admit that wimmins are evil
wimmins is every wild and wonderful thing under the sun.
mins is ONLY evil!!!!
hmm, better re-read the above wabbit. you only objected to the mins being victorious.
running back and forth, slaying dragons on the local (guam) message board too. friggen idiots attacking the new governor.
Oh, dragon slaying! Let's get um
Ulp! Well, sometimes the dragon does win.