Rising fascism in the US

Mon 13 Mar, 2023 09:21 am
I just inherited a load of gold sovereigns so I'm quite chuffed to hear about the price going up.
Walter Hinteler
Mon 13 Mar, 2023 10:10 am
In 1793, three Friedrich d'or pistoles were stolen from my ancestor's hidden room, so I couldn't inherit them and don't bother about the price going up.

0 Replies
Mon 13 Mar, 2023 10:12 am

Post-decency politics: House Democrats use a hearing to attack free speech and a free press

At long last, have you left no sense of decency?” Those words were first asked by lawyer Joseph Welch in his confrontation with Sen. Joseph McCarthy (R-Wis.) during the Senate’s infamous Army-McCarthy hearings. This week, nearly 70 years later, Welch’s words seem more relevant than ever after House Democrats savaged two journalists who attempted to explain a government effort to censor citizens.

It was only the latest of a series of hearings in which FBI agents and other whistleblowers, experts and journalists have been personally attacked for raising free-speech concerns. This week’s hearing showed definitively that we live in a post-decency era.

The latest attacks came as journalists Matt Taibbi and Michael Shellenberger testified about breaking the “Twitter Files” story, detailing how the FBI and other agencies secretly sought to censor or ban citizens from social media. In her opening statement, Delegate Stacey Plaskett (D-Virgin Islands), the ranking member of the House Judiciary subcommittee, attacked them as “so-called journalists” and said they were “a direct threat” to the safety of others by reporting the censorship story.

Taibbi pushed back, saying that “I’m not a ‘so-called journalist'” and giving a brief description of his award-winning career at Rolling Stone magazine and other publications. Yet other committee members also attacked the honesty of the two journalists. And after failed efforts to claim they were Elon Musk’s corrupt “scribes,” or limited by him in their investigations, the committee members attacked their ethics.

The witnesses were attacked on everything but their choice of socks. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.) even claimed that “being a Republican witness today certainly casts a cloud over your objectivity.” When Wasserman Schultz impugned the two journalists’ honesty and ethics, she immediately “reclaimed (her) time” to prevent them from defending themselves. When the subcommittee chair gave them a chance to answer her claims, Wasserman Schultz and her Democratic colleagues objected that a witness was allowed to defend himself after being blocked from doing so.

In an earlier attack, Rep. Stephen Lynch (D-Mass.) prevented Taibbi from answering a question and dismissed his effort to defend his position, saying: “This is how it works now. I’ll ask the question and you try to provide an answer if you can.”

After attacking the very notion of investigating the government for possible censorship efforts, the attacks then took a particularly menacing turn as some members began to demand confidential information on the journalists’ sources. Taibbi pushed back and said he could not reveal information on his sources, but that only seemed to make the Democrats more irate.

Rep. Sylvia Garcia (D-Texas) pressed Taibbi to say that Musk was a source. Taibbi again replied, “I can’t give it to you, unfortunately, because this is a question of sourcing, and I’m a journalist. I don’t reveal my sources.”

And that’s when it got ugly.

Garcia effectively declared that she had trapped Taibbi because the “only logical conclusion” was that Musk was his source. When House Judiciary Committee chairman Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) objected to badgering a reporter for his sources, Democrats piled on. Plaskett declared that if Taibbi wouldn’t comment on Musk, it must mean the Twitter owner was the source in question.
It was a chilling but defining moment.

For several years now, many Democratic members have embraced censorship on social media and resisted efforts to uncover government efforts to silence citizens. As someone who grew up in a liberal, Democratic family in Chicago, I knew that a commitment to free speech was one of the most compelling values of the party — back then. Today, free speech often is treated as harmful and dangerous.

President Joe Biden is arguably the most anti-free-speech president since John Adams, and the Democratic Party is largely committed to censorship and speech regulations. Some Democratic figures, including Plaskett, have declared that hate speech is unprotected under the First Amendment — a categorically untrue claim.

As the evidence mounts of an even broader censorship effort by the Biden administration, the Democrats’ attacks have become more unhinged and unscrupulous. After shredding any fealty to free speech, they now are attacking journalists, demanding their sources and claiming their reporting is a public threat.

Plaskett even attempted to defend the Federal Trade Commission demanding that Twitter turn over the names of journalists who have communicated with the social media company. Other Democrats have similarly shrugged off this outrageous demand by the FTC, headed by Chairwoman Lina Khan, a former Democratic staffer with the Judiciary Committee.

For many of us, this week demonstrates the final severing of many House Democrats from both free speech and free press values.

What is left is raw rage and politics.

There is a major difference between today and the McCarthyism of 1954. Back then, when attorney Welch objected to the Republican senator trashing his client, the press lionized Welch. Yet, as noted by Shellenberger and Taibbi, today’s media have remained largely silent as fellow reporters were attacked for covering the Twitter censorship story.

If Joseph Welch appeared today to support free speech, he might very well be dismissed as some QAnon conspiracy theorist or “Putin lover.” But his words from the past — that “until this moment … I think I have never really gauged your cruelty or your recklessness” — should be read to every one of these members. It is not that we expect decorum from our leaders today, but decency itself now seems as irrelevant as reason.

Jonathan Turley is the Shapiro Professor of Public Interest Law at The George Washington University. Follow him on Twitter @JonathanTurley.

Tue 14 Mar, 2023 08:27 am

Latest Nord Stream Theory Dumb and Improbable: Swedish Expert

Published 13 March 2023
"How stupid do they think we are? A small pro-Ukrainian group in a yacht did what?" Oberg said.

Jan Oberg, director of the Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future Research, rebutted the claim made by U.S. and German media that a non-state actor was responsible for last September's Nord Stream gas pipeline explosions.

On Tuesday, the New York Times has cited new intelligence suggesting that a pro-Ukrainian group carried out the attack on the Nord Stream gas pipelines. However, the paper failed to identify a source for the claim that a rented yacht was used to perpetrate the act.

"How stupid do they think we are? A small pro-Ukrainian group in a yacht did what? Western 'intelligence' and the New York Times are in deeper waters than usual, offering us a devious spin and fake story," Oberg said, adding that he did not hesitate to call the claimed theory "fake and invention and simply so dumb, improbable, and unlikely."

He said that the "orchestrated mainstream Western media" having kept silent on Seymour Hersh's earlier analysis but now reporting widely on the obvious "fake" theory revealed "their journalistic and moral decay."

In an article published in February on the U.S. portal Substack, an investigative reporter and Pulitzer Prize winner Seymour Hersh revealed that the United States partnered with Norway in a top-secret operation in June 2022 to plant remotely triggered explosives that took out three of the four Nord Stream pipelines three months later.

Compared with Hersh's detailed and convincing revelation, Oberg dismissed the latest theory as "an invented story that comes with much less documentation, analysis and credibility than Hersh's."

Calling Hersh "truly independent, highly qualified, and well-connected," Oberg strongly insisted that the sabotage of Nord Stream pipelines "was done by the U.S. with some help from Norway and perhaps others."

Referring to comments by U.S. President Joe Biden earlier "that the U.S. would blow it up," Oberg said an "interest analysis" would also lead to an obvious conclusion of U.S. criminality.

"Who could have an interest in destroying this hugely important piece of energy infrastructure which also connected Europe to Russia? And who would have the technical and other capacities to do it?" Oberg asked.

The Nord Stream pipelines, which transported natural gas from Russia to European markets via Germany, were severely damaged last September after blasts in the Baltic Sea. One pipeline, Nord Stream 1, was in operation at the time of the explosion and Nord Stream 2, though had not been operational, was filled with gas.
Walter Hinteler
Tue 14 Mar, 2023 08:41 am
Lash wrote:
Swedish Expert
Since December 2021, I have served as a contributor to China Daily - 52 million daily clicks. I also contribute to other Chinese media such as Global Times, CGTN and CCTV, the national television, China Investment and the Xinhua News Agency - many of them both in English and Chinese editions.
Likewise, since April 2022, I have been a regular columnist at the independent online daily, The Citizen, in India. Global Research often re-posts me, and since March 2020, The EurasiaReview (U.S.) publishes many of my articles, and so does the unique multi-media agency Pressenza. Finally, I am a columnist with the Danish Arbejderen.
In contrast, no larger mainstream Swedish, Danish or other Western media show any interest in my analyses although most of them receive TFF
Source:Homepage of the expert

Telesur (officially stylized as teleSUR) is a Latin American terrestrial and satellite news television network headquartered in Caracas, Venezuela and sponsored by the governments of Venezuela, Bolivia, Cuba and Nicaragua.[1] It was launched in 2005, under the government of Hugo Chávez, promoted as "a Latin socialist answer to CNN".[2]
Walter Hinteler
Tue 14 Mar, 2023 09:29 am
So much is written here about the suppression of opinion.
Here is a current example, but with an original source.

Russia is trying to suppress unpopular opinions on the attack on Ukraine - it must not be called a war, but only a "special military operation". Now the Duma, Russia's lower house of parliament, has tightened and expanded the criminal law provisions on "defamation" of the armed forces and the spread of "false information".

The possible sentence for "spreading false information" or "defamation" is increased from three to five years, the sentence for repeated discrediting with "dangerous consequences" from five to seven years. A maximum of 15 years imprisonment is possible.

In addition, the discrediting of "volunteer formations" will also be punished in future. This will mean all fighting units in Ukraine, including the mercenary force Wagner of Yevgeny Prigozhin.

The article published by the Duma on the amendment to the law does not mention exceptions. Prigozhin could thus benefit from the stricter rules, but also be affected by them.

0 Replies
Tue 14 Mar, 2023 10:50 am
@Walter Hinteler,
In my Country, they controlling Democrat party/spy networks alliance has been discovered to be actively censoring Americans across social media when they deviate from the controlling narrative. Evidence exists in primary documents in the form of emails from FBI and CIA operatives to senior staff at Twitter—only made available due to Twitter’s purchase by Elon Musk.

The DNC / CIA alliance has used Goebbels-level propaganda to make democrats and Rs despise one another. They are hell bent in keeping the citizens from speaking to each other, hearing each other’s ideas, our god forbid, seeing each others’ similar complaints of their government.

You have to have an enormous level of corruption (or fear) among the media for this to work. But, we do.

To clinch this complete de-unification of the US public, they mock and attack journalists who write information that depart from their preferred narrative.

I dissent.

I’m not the only one.
Tue 14 Mar, 2023 10:56 am
I was shocked to see what Turley wrote. He's always been a right extremist but this piece read like Soviet propaganda from the 60's.
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Tue 14 Mar, 2023 11:15 am
Lash wrote:
The DNC / CIA alliance has used Goebbels-level propaganda to make democrats and Rs despise one another.
so you've "Gleichschaltung" in the USA? (It was only as a result of the "Gleichschaltung" that Goebbels had nearly unrestricted control over all and every areas of cultural life and the media.)

Some would like Goebbels' "Kraft durch Freude" (Strength Through Joy), I suppose, but generally living without any information but just a single one seems impossible in these days (beside perhaps partly in Russia, China and North Korea).
Tue 14 Mar, 2023 12:40 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
Walter Hinteler
Tue 14 Mar, 2023 12:58 pm
Putin considers reports of Ukrainian activists' involvement in the explosions on the "Nord Stream" natural gas pipelines in the Baltic Sea to be "total nonsense". Such an action at this depth and on this scale could be carried out "only by specialists", Putin said in a television interview today.

According to Putin, a Gazprom ship had also discovered evidence of the presence of another explosive device on the gas pipeline. This was located about 30 kilometres away from one of the explosion sites. At the pipe junction, something was detected that experts believed "could be an antenna to receive a signal to detonate an explosive device".

However, Putin did not comment specifically on the authorship of the explosions, but one must always question who might have an interest in them.

(Source: agencies, RT)
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Tue 14 Mar, 2023 01:30 pm
Id you refer to "Goebbels-level propaganda", which you did and repeated above, then you should refer to Goebbels level propaganda and not to some obscure ideas you decide to be equivalent.

Goebbels-level (as written in the Schriftleitergesetz of 1933, actually only the start of !Goebbels-level") would be as if all American journalists - reporters, photographers, videographers, graphics artists and others - had to be licensed by the government and depended by law on the editorial whims and dictates of the country’s ruling
political party ruthlessly enforced by an all-powerful Federal Bureau of Investigation. Serious transgressions would result in banishment from the
profession or imprisonment.
Tue 14 Mar, 2023 01:52 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
The range and depth of your experience and knowledge along with your familiarity with European history and issues have always made you one of the most valuable contributors here. To sum up, thank you!
0 Replies
Thu 16 Mar, 2023 09:45 am

Flights at several German airports disrupted by 1-day strike
Flights at several German airports have been severely disrupted by the latest in a string of one-day strikes related to various pay disputes
ByThe Associated Press
March 13, 2023, 4:11 AM

Details at the link.
Solidarity with striking German workers.

Walter Hinteler
Thu 16 Mar, 2023 11:55 am
Lash wrote:
Solidarity with striking German workers.

Why do you look just now at strikes in distant countries? Why didn't do support our workers earlier but only now, when we get less strikes than years and decades earlier?
One of the first major strikes in Germany took place in 1873: here, book printers fought for the first time for a regional collective agreement.

At the moment, warning strikes (sic!!! Before a ballot, one speaks of a "warning strike" and after a ballot of a "strike") are planned at seven airports in Germany.
Thu 16 Mar, 2023 12:33 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
I’ve supported strikes ‘in distant countries’ for years in these pages—even though it was a steep learning curve for me when I moved to a union state and realized I didn’t have a choice.

I’d never had that experience.

But always supported workers trying to force their bosses to treat them decently.
Walter Hinteler
Thu 16 Mar, 2023 12:51 pm
Lash wrote:
But always supported workers trying to force their bosses to treat them decently.
So you are informed about the various rounds of the meetings to get a new collective bargaining (= process of negotiation between employers and employees), here: employees in the airport security industry and Federal Association of Aviation Security Companies (BDSL)? I mean, they had had already four rounds of meeting before. (And some larger warning strikes, too.)
Thu 16 Mar, 2023 01:29 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
Your desperation to disagree is ridiculous and tedious.
Thu 16 Mar, 2023 01:32 pm
If Twitter reports are accurate (haven’t verified yet), Macron has decided to have it his way, but not at Burger King.

JUST IN - Macron has decided to trigger Article 49.3 to adopt his pension reform plan without a vote in the French National Assembly.


The footage of citizens beaten by French cops is brutal.
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Thu 16 Mar, 2023 02:15 pm
Lash wrote:
Your desperation to disagree is ridiculous and tedious.
"Disagree"? Well, I am not only familiar with collective- bargaining legislation , but I have also actively participated in collective bargaining meetings (in the social sector).
I think that my knowledge here might be slightly superior to yours.

But start a new thread, and I will be pleased to discuss our obviously different opinions about the German labour and collective bargaining laws as regulated in the large number of laws and ordinances.
0 Replies

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