"Did I sound anti-virgin?"
She's got the jimmy legs!
"Jimmy's under the boards. Jimmy's in the open. Jimmy makes the shot."
"OH yeah.......Jimmy played pretty good."
"These are Jimmy's training shoes."
"Oh yeah! Jimmy couldn't jump at all before he got these. Jimmy was like you (looks at George)
"Jimmy sells'em."
"Oh yeah! But Jimmy's all out right now. Moving to Manhattan set
Jimmy back a bit."
"Jimmy'll see you around."
"You know...Jimmy is pretty sweet on you."
"Oh yeah!. Jimmy's been watching you....you're just Jimmy's type ...Jimmy's new in town... Jimmy ..doesn't really know anyone." "Jimmy would like to get to know you."
"Oh yeah!! ... Jimmy's ready."
"Jimmy's got some new moves."
"Check Jimmy out"
"Ooohhh!!!!! JIMMY'S DOWN."
"Jimmy might have a compound fracture.. Jimmy's going into shock!!"
"Jimmy's gonna put the moves on Elaine.."
"Ah! ... Jimmy doesn't like misunderstanding."
"Jimmy and misunderstanding kinda clash."
"Well, Jimmy's very unusual."
Jimmy: "Hey look. Hank's got a new boyfriend. Jimmy's not threatened by Hanks sexuality ... Jimmy's happy for Hank."
Elaine: "Elaine once tried to convert one but Elaine's not going through that again."
Elaine: "Elaine got a new dress."
Jimmy : "Jimmy likes it."
Jimmy: "That's the guy who sidelined Jimmy."
Kramer: "What!"
Jimmy: "That's the guy who took the bread out of Jimmy's mouth. Jimmy's out of work because of you..
Jimmy: "Jimmy wants a piece of Kramer..(fighting ensues and Jimmy gets taken out by hotel security)
George: "George is getting upset.."
"My boyfriend told me I got gonorrhea from driving my tractor."
Has anyone mentioned Elaine's "just one little square" episode yet?
..the SHOES...in that episode were fantastic...
Die! Just die already! (Elaine watching the ENGLISH PATIENT)
I'm sorry I don't have a square to spare, now if you don't mind
3 squares? you can't spare 3 squares??
no I don't have a square to spare, I can't spare a square
Peterman: Elaine, you don't like the movie? (the English Patient)
Elaine: I HATE IT!
Peterman: You're fired.
Elaine: Okay, I'll meet you outside.
swimming in the East River
"Well, my swimming pool problems are solved. I just found myself miles and miles of open lanes."
"What is that smell?"
"That's East River."
"You're swimming in the East River? The most heavily trafficked, overly contaminated waterway on the eastern seaboard?"
"Technically, Norfolk has more gross tonnage."
"How could you swim in that water?"
"I saw a couple other guys out there."
"Well... floating. They weren't moving much, but they were out there."
LarryBS - in one of Jerry's lead-in stand-ups, he was talking about doing a show in front of a British audience, and how he died. Until he got himself some learning about British humor.
You have a thread about a British comic on HBO - and I guess my reaction to him is about the way Jerry described his initial British appearance.
And I just love George's mother - Estelle. After she went on the singles scene.....
Sorry to hear you didn't like that British guy - not that I've seen him yet, he just sounds funny.
"I'm out there, George."
"You're not out there."
"I am too."
"You're not out there. You can't be because I am out there. And if I see you out there there's not enough voltage in this world to electro-shock me back into coherence."
I flew too close to the sun. (George after a failed attempt to make love and eat huge sandwiches all at once.)
I call Jerry Sienfeld 'The Devil'.
"I haven't vomited in thirteen years."