Sun 19 Jan, 2003 04:31 pm
I first heard this on the Jerry Seinfeld show. I love it. I can shout it, whisper it, use it instead of counting to ten. It can be soothing or sarcastic. My tongue wraps around it, as I stare at my husband and quietly say "Serenity now." My problem is that he watched all the shows with me, and sees me as Jerry Stiller whenever I say it, which busts him up.
Still, it beats all those four letter obscenities. :wink:
sort of morphs into
You cannot keep me out of DelBoca Vista!!!
Addicted to Seinfeld reruns. Do you watch the Larry David show on HBO?? Think you'd love it.
I am a Sienfeld fanatic. That show had more good stuff in one episode than most shows in a season. I especially like Elaine in the stalled subway train and the one with her riding second class while Jerry gets spoiled in first class. Serenity now!
Heeeeey! don't you folk remember that George's dad kind of exploded cos of that serenity now thing? his anger piled up inside, or something, and he blew a gasket.
Youall be careful now!
Oh - can you tell I am a Seinfeld freak, too?
Of the present crop of comedies IMO everybody loves Raymond is the funniest.
The first season I did not care for Raymond, but now I watch it pretty often.
Loved Raymond for second and third seasons. Then, it seemed writing went in toilet. Still, a better than average cast.
Curb Your Enthusiasm (L David's show) is the next best thing to Seinfeld. (George Costanza character was based on this guy.) HILARIOUS.
Jerry Stiller killed me every time he got on screen. That man must be demented. He couldn't be that good an actor.
And, love that Cosmo.
The episode chronicled in reverse, about a wedding in India was brilliant. Oh, heck; most episodes were.
Lightwizard praised "Curb Your Enthusiasm", but I assumed no network here had bought it - then, idly flipping through the TV magazine, I saw it!!! It had been hiding late at night. So - I watch it, I like it, not enormously, but growingly - then, after I see three episodes - it is taken off.Waaaaaaaaaaah! And..... no Seinfeld re-runs at the moment, either...waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
Poor bunny!
A killing dearth of humorous TV programming.
Have you ever seen NewsRadio? What funnies do you watch?
I have taken a distinct dislike to most TV of late. Slim pickens of good stuff, IMO.
Well, that's one advantage to living in the NY area. Two different channels do Seinfeld rereuns - one early in the evening, one at night. And I try to watch as many as I can. It's an addiction.
Took me a while for "Curb Your Enthusiasm." But I have every episode on tape. And I laugh each time I watch. Also a show called "6 Feet Under."
I think one of my favorite Seinfeld episodes was when George thought he might like to get married (not to Susan, although the episode with poor Susan licking the fatal envelopes was too much.) And in the church they had this discussion about "kavorka." This has become a code ord in my family. I almost named our new cat that, but she's Minnie Pearl.
But dlowan - that's what made serenity now so funny. I love it.
mamajuana - LOL!
Lash - it is summer break here - there is almost NOTHING on!
I love the "pod" episode - you know where Kramer is being especially socially insensitive, and Jerry asks him if he does not find something embarrassing and Kramer says no, why would you, and jerry says to Kramer that it is the kind of thing that human beings get embarrassed about withthe other human beings, but Kramer doesn't, because he is not human, he is a pod - (from "Invasion of the Body-Snatchers, presumably).
One of my friends is a pod, as I have often told him - and now his wife and children also look at him sadly and say - "Yes Peter, but that is because you are a pod." I also love saying it to Craven - because he is a pod, too!
SUmmer? We are in a long cold snap here - ranging from the teens to the twenties (excluding the wind-chill factor).
Serenity now!
A Happy Festivus to you all.
The Gang is on 4 to 6 times a day here, but I really don't need it at all because I wav'd just about every line from the show.
"I would've marched on Selma if it was on Long Island." - - - George
LOL - so much language and so many concepts from that show!
George's worlds colliding
Master of my domain
The pact with the pigeons
Sex means you can't break up by phone - so do 3 dinner dates (from memory)
"Hand" in a relationship
The pre-emptive break-up
Who is one-up in the post relationship relationship
The vault
on and on and on and on....
I'm a mimbo from way back.
"Why Fusilli? Because you're silly, get it?
The manzier - or bro; which do you prefer?
I'm a manzier man, Assman - you got that straight!