The Circus in Chicago

Finn dAbuzz
Reply Tue 15 Mar, 2016 01:40 pm
Were there people there who weren't professional agitators? Of course. So what? Would those students have been there in those numbers if someone from up on high wasn't organizing the protest? No.

I've no problem, what-so-ever with protesters who go to an event and stand outside with signs. But did you actually watch what happened? It wasn't that.

These protesters (and maybe they dragged some well intentioned kids in with them) were there for two reasons:

1) To shut down Trumps rally - Are you really OK with that?

2) To bait Trump supporters into violence - If you are so naive as to believe this wasn't the case, there's no point discussing this with you.

You seem to think two wrongs can make a right.

I'm not defending Trump's rhetoric. It's one of the reasons I oppose him, but the answer to it, in a democratic nation, is not to respond in kind. These "kids" aren't heroes for going outside of the bounds of our system and values to "shut down" someone they think will be a tyrant. The notion that Trump is an American Hitler or Mussolini is so absurd it render the people who suggest it marginal.
Reply Tue 15 Mar, 2016 01:49 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
Bait Trump's supporters into violence? Really? It says a lot about the sort of people who support Trump if they can be baited into committing violent acts so easily.

Instead of attacking everyone who is not very right wing you might want to consider why nobody has had any success in baiting Sanders' or Clinton's supporters into violence, or any of the other Republican candidates for that matter.

Trump's supporters are like the Brownshirts.

Reply Tue 15 Mar, 2016 02:09 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
Do you think what happened to these two black dissenters is all right? These were all over the news casts and internet for a few days before Chicago, not to mention the beatings administered by the crowds at previous Trump events.



After these incidents, why shouldn't protestors show up in some numbers and say, "Let's see you guys try that crap on US"?
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 15 Mar, 2016 02:33 pm
Just proves that racial bigotry is alive and well. When you have a leader like Trump enciting violence against minorities, one must wonder why more whites aren't criticizing this racist bigot.
Reply Tue 15 Mar, 2016 03:13 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Not all whites are horrible either.

I do accept the premise that many of us are loons.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 15 Mar, 2016 03:14 pm
oralloy wrote:

Lash wrote:
Politics is shifting toward something new.

Yes. Mr. Trump is pulling the Reagan Democrats into the Republican Party

I was amazed to read recently that your assessment on this particular item is correct. We'd expected a bunch of new Democrats a la Bernie, but there were a lot of GOP newbies in Iowa.

They are Democrats transitioning. They can't abide Hillary and don't think Bernie can win.

Democrats to Trump... How much of a Democrat could they ever have been?
cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 15 Mar, 2016 03:29 pm
0 Replies
Reply Tue 15 Mar, 2016 04:04 pm
You'd rather see Trump than Hillary too
Reply Tue 15 Mar, 2016 04:30 pm
What do you expect from a Bush voter? I never bought the act. A leopard never changes its spots.
Reply Tue 15 Mar, 2016 04:45 pm
avoid cliches like the plague.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 15 Mar, 2016 05:02 pm
I changed spots, gradually, in my late teens. I still change them once in a while.

I am pretty sick of Lash these days, but I don't just assume she is a ploy person.

Maybe, but also maybe not. Remember, I'm the one who has met her in person.

I suppose I should add that I am not an idiot.
Reply Tue 15 Mar, 2016 06:40 pm
Quote Lash:
I was amazed to read recently that your assessment on this particular item is correct. We'd expected a bunch of new Democrats a la Bernie, but there were a lot of GOP newbies in Iowa.

They are Democrats transitioning. They can't abide Hillary and don't think Bernie can win.

Those aren't Democrats the GOP is getting. Those are the guys crawling out of their survivalist bunkers and forest hide-outs to vote for Trump in the primaries.
Reply Tue 15 Mar, 2016 09:34 pm
Reply Tue 15 Mar, 2016 11:54 pm
You are wrong. The report covered the recent phenomenon: these new Republican voters were registered Dems who have changed affiliation. There are a high number of Rust Belters that fit this category - hence the media coverage.
Reply Wed 16 Mar, 2016 02:21 am
Nobody said you're an idiot, and I don't think anyone thinks that. You do have a tendency for seeing the good in people. It's not a bad thing, but it's something a manipulator would play on.

Like this nonsense about people voting for Trump because Clinton is beyond the pale. People are voting for Trump because they've been whipped up by right wing radio pundits, Fox News and a legislature that refuses to work with a black president.

Racism is back in vogue, it's the new black.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 16 Mar, 2016 07:28 am
Quote Lash:
The report covered the recent phenomenon: these new Republican voters were registered Dems who have changed affiliation. There are a high number of Rust Belters that fit this category - hence the media coverage.

Yes, and here is a report covering that phenomenon. And the report makes clear WHY about a sixth of registered Democrats in Ohio chose to vote in the Republican primary. Take a look:

I won't give the report away, but suffice it to say that Oralloy's analysis of Reagan Democrats joining the Republicans is not quite the reason.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 16 Mar, 2016 07:44 am
Are you claiming a false statement not under oath is perjury? Or are you claiming lying about an affair is a felony?

Either way, you aren't presenting any evidence of Clinton committing a felony. Was he a weasel in his word choice? Yes. Was the statement a felony? No way in hell under any law in the US.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 16 Mar, 2016 09:57 am
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:
There's always two sides to every story.
Employees Of Group Hired By Florida GOP Admit Fraud
AP | Posted 03.05.2013 | Politics
Read More: Politics News, Florida GOP, Strategic Allied Consultants, Voter Registration, Florida Politics, Gop, Florida Voter Fraud, Voter Fraud, Politics News

Two employees of a company once aligned with the Republican Party of Florida admitted to law-enforcement authorities that they forged voter registration.

Voter ID laws will also prevent Republicans from cheating in elections.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 16 Mar, 2016 09:59 am
Blickers wrote:
All of which had to do with Bill getting some on the side. Republicans with mistresses going after the President for having a mistress.

It's really scary the way Leftists justify Democrats committing felonies.

If Bill Clinton had murdered people in an attempt to keep his affair secret, you'd be saying that it was OK because it was only about him having a mistress.

Republicans are much preferable ethically.

Blickers wrote:
People who care about a President getting some on the side-or claim they do-have been Republican since the 1990s, and they still aren't nearly enough to elect a President.

The problem has nothing whatsoever to do with "getting some on the side". The problem is that Liberals feel that it is OK for a fellow Leftist to commit a long string of felonies.

The disgust over the Democrats' celebration of presidential felonies weakened Gore to the point where the election was a toss up. The only reason why Nader was able to influence the election was because it was so close.

So it was plenty enough to elect a president. We had 8 years of President Bush because of it.

Blickers wrote:
Message boards might not be in existence in 2032. Not only is the Republican base-older white people-shrinking in percentage, Trump is driving whatever non-Tea Republicans are left into being Independent and trying to replace them with militia types, KKK adherents, and staunch defenders of bird sanctuary takeovers.

Messageboards will be around. And 2032 is going to see the Republicans winning the White House for the fifth time in a row.
Reply Wed 16 Mar, 2016 10:00 am
parados wrote:
You are guilty of the same thing the GOP was guilty of. They could never specifically point to a statement by Clinton and tell us why it was a lie. Until you meet those specific standards there is no perjury. Waving your hands and yelling "perjury" doesn't make anything perjury.

Perjury requires a statement be unambiguous and factually false then it requires that you show the person making the statement knew it was false. So start by quoting the exact statement you think was perjury. I doubt you will do so since no one has ever done as much. The House couldn't even be specific in it's impeachment trial. People that care about ethics would be specific when they charge that someone committed a crime. But you don't care about ethics or legality it seems.

The Republicans very much pointed out outright lies, both in the civil trial and in front of the grand jury. And I've done so before as well.

And in addition to all the perjury, there was also witness tampering (coaching other people on their testimony) and obstruction of justice (concealing evidence).

I am not sure I want to take a lot of time to look up Clinton's statements, but I'll see what a Google search of our past discussions will turn up.

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