So...when measuring, are you a tape measure guy, or a stiff ruler guy?
he he he. I just use whatever I can get my hands on at the time.
(I know there's a possible masturbation pun in there somewhere...Cav?)
Oh yes, the pun is ringing clear.
if its over 6 its ok i wouldnt worry
Joaheoya mentioned something about "small wieners" awhile back. I wonder what the cutoff point is for a small wiener? Less than 6 inches?

I bet it sounds a lot bigger in centimeters.
I thought the average penis is between roughly 12 and 18 centimetre (can't figure out so quickly what that is in inches).
Excellent. My penis is about 15 and 1/2 centimeters long. Yeah, that sounds impressive.
I am off work today...and really bored I guess.
So what do you think? Does 15 + centimetes sound like a good size to you? Hard, that is. :wink:
This is a very serious topic Eva, you do understand that right? :wink:
Eva, tape measures? No, my subtle point was that they are strange and floppy, and taste like metal. There is nothing better than a fine stiff ruler made of wood.
ROTFLMAO, Cav! Now you're TASTING the tape measure while you're measuring your penis?!
kickycan wrote:I am off work today...and really bored I guess.
So what do you think? Does 15 + centimetes sound like a good size to you? Hard, that is. :wink:
Oh kicky, you're so metrically hot!
I was looking for an old thread where one of the women mentioned the fact that kicky's package looked like a stick match nestled between a couple raisins.
Can't seem to find the thread though.
But, in all fairness, it might not have been kicky they were talking about.
Mighta been Cav.
Anyone remember that thread?
Gus, I seem to recall that the moderators deleted that post. Have to maintain standards, you know.
Yes, gus, and I'm not sure, but I thought it might have been Craven who they were talking about, or maybe Occombill.