I forgot another very popular name for my dog - Booteliscious.
Bad dog name:
you little sh!t
Dumba$$ for both.
Joe Nation and seaglass
Thanks. Good reading, this morning.
Love all our courageous, maligned, pets.
How about a vote for All Around Most Popular Pet Name For Pets.
Like the Golden Globes, on some level.
I must say: You Little ****.
with Braveheart a close second....
Bailey - the little traumatized, rescued from a beating two days earlier dog : babyBailey, babyBoy, buddy, Mr. Bailey (that of course is Setanta talking - with his nice southern formalities), HEYYOUTHERESTOPTHAT, bestboy, Houdini (he can get out of any seatbelt harness, coat or boots) - his song is "you are my bailey, my only bailey, you make me happy when skies are grey ..."
Cleo - the little ignored in a basement for two years dog: Cleopatra, Miss Cleopatra (Setanta again), babyGirl, prettyGirl, smartyPants, babyCleo, CleoBelle, MarlyMcFarty, HEYHEYHEYNOOOOOOOO - her song is "walk like an egyptian".
A lot of my names for our cats are German of course - I'll try to translate.
Nisse - Pissenisse, Baerchen (little bear), Monster Nisse, mein Grosser (my big boy), Schnuckel (no translation possible :-))
Mysan - Myseline, Linchen, Suesse (Sweety), Tigerin (tigeress), Maeusle (little mouse)
no Muschiblix? my dad calls all cats that. I think it's probably Platt, but i'm not sure.
Schnuckel, i understand but couldn't begin to try to translate.
Muschiblix? Funny! Muschi is a common cat name. I just caught myself calling Mysan Mausi. Kuscheltiger sometimes - can't translate, sorry!
**assuming the humble, confessing position**
The dogs also respond to:
That is the problem with a multiple pet household, you re never 100% positive who to blame. Occasionally, we get someone to "confess" by slinking out of an area when humans are detected, or "I'm hiding, you cannot see me" posture.
Uh, Pacco Dono is routinely Thunderpaws, My Baby, Best Dog in the World, and Shut Up.
Even though with two other pets in the house, my Maggie would confess to anything.....The word 'jaysusmaryandjoseph' is all it took for her.....tail down, ears down, lookin all cute and cuddly.....
I think she just knew that she was too cute to reprimand.....even if it wasn't her fault!
sublime, i say those exact things too.
rae, they say that alot here on guam except that it comes out:
hay-zus, santa maria, jose!
yep, my dog is guilty about everything. Even the things my sister's dog does.
I say Santa Maria, myself. Mostly around the kids I care for.
Funny.....'jaysusmaryandjoseph' would make Maggie come running with guilt.....the son and husband would run!
Its probably good to pray with your pets. I suppose it does the human more good than the pet ... haven't really thought about it much.
I do it from time to time, too, and often quite loudly and with great variety and much sincerity. It may not always disclose the guilty party, but will often narrow the focus of suspicion.
jesusmaryandjoseph is pretty popular around here as well..although on occassion I tend to translate it to jesusmariaandjose in case they didnt get the English translation correct.
Also common is "No" which I tend to think on occassion Zoey actually thinks her name is...which it probably should have been. Funny, I can tell her ten times No, then I get mad and ask her if she didnt understand me the first time, or the other popular phrase of what about No dont you understand.
Last evening I called Bean a silly goose and I realized I left that out of my list. Silly goose also applies to Carlotta. Where did that come from I do not know but I have been saying that to both of them for a long time.
Cass, me too..... gotta laugh at myself when I start asking the animals questions like that!
yeah...it does kinda make ya silly at yourself, dont it?
I like asking Zoey what she wants, what she thinks shes doing, etc etc etc...like she'd tell me