@Finn dAbuzz,
Quote Finn:
Quote:please don't insult anyone's intelligence with some coy denial.
That's quite a statement coming from the master of coy denial himself. On an earlier post on A2K you were advising Bernie supporters to not give in and vote for the eventual Democratic nominee, not because to do so would aid the Republicans, but instead it meant that they would be making a steadfast stand for sterling principle instead of giving in to middling, uninspiring compromise.
Now you are saying the same thing that white supremacists and modern day Confederates are saying, which is to break the country up along ideological lines, which would yield one country remarkably similar to the Confederacy.
The reasons the white supremacists and Confederates give for this is that as far as they are concerned, the wrong side won the Civil War, the Confederates were right to secede, and now it is time to make things right. The reason you give is that modern day righties and lefties can never live together, (even though they do), and that a breakup is inevitable, (which is questionable). Indeed, Obama, a black candidate, won the capital of the Confederacy, Virginia, both times. He also won North Carolina once and came close the second time.
It would appear that your call for splitting the country up comes not because you believe it is inevitable, but that your side is losing and you figured to make a play for a piece of the pie now, before your forces dwindle even more. Demographics are not with you in the long run.