Our way of life in the US has been perverted by corruption.
The gulf between average people and the super wealthy is growing exponentially. We are being separated between poor, largely brown workers, and ridiculously wealthy bosses, journalists, and politicians.
Our law enforcement is killing black and brown people with no consequence, and would continue unabated if it weren't for the life-risking actions of BLM and people who support them. A light is being shown on what happened to Sandra Bland, Tamir Rice, and Eric Garner, but without a president who will stand up and say NO YOU ******* DON'T ANYMORE, that light will fade.
I see only one man who I can count on to do that. The other so-called Democrat candidate
profits by locking people up. Literally, not figuratively. Superpredator-hating prison-for-profit Clinton.
My man calls it loud in public. He's the only one.
The gulf is between us and them is growing.
Average people in this country now acknowledge that a college education for their children to compete in this world is
out of reach. Only the elites can afford to educate their children because of the astronomical cost. Our government is charging our students ridiculous costs and withering interest rates. Our government is behind this. They are growing the gulf between rich and poor.
Do you want to ask why? It is in the best interests of this country - and all countries - to keep the rabble down. 99% of us are rabble. They must control us or we will control them. If we control them, they work for us. Right now, we're working for them. They're making out like bandits. We're fools.
Insurance in this country is unaffordable. I am a teacher who pays $200 a month for the pleasure of calling myself "insured." (Thanks, Obama!) AND THEN, I have a deductable of $500! I can't go to the doctor. We all deserve to pay a reasonable tax and get life-saving medical care. ALL of us.
I pay nearly 1/3 of my hard-earned check - and it is ******* hard-earned - to the govt etc - and the ultra-wealthy
don't even pay their fair share. We're not asking for a hand-out - we're tired of bankrolling Wall Street's hand-out.
It is time for them to pay their share. Who has hoodwinked you into thinking hardworking men and women should pay Wall Street's way???
Thanks to Bill Clinton and other politicians like him who work for billionaires, the floodgates of money were opened into politics through Glass-Steagall, and I no longer have a voice in my own government. The idea of "America" and "democracy" is a joke. Laws are written by lobbyists, signed by corrupt politicians who are paid off by the ultra-wealthy - designed to make the ultra-rich even richer. As crazy as it sounds, you're seeing the results all over the US.
My life is at stake; so is yours. Our children's futures are hanging in the balance. The water we drink and the food we eat are being ruined by people like the Clintons and other politicians who get cash on the barrelhead for votes that allow these corporations to do what they please with our soil and our underground water tables.
So, those are a couple of the social issues you need to be addressing with your vote.
People like you and snood think the worst possible thing that can happen in this election cycle is if progressives who support Bernie don't vote for Hillary.
Think again.