I'll Never Vote for Hillary Clinton

Mon 22 Feb, 2016 07:32 pm
Huerta is a liar. They were not trying to get English only. They were trying to get a less biased person to do the job.
Mon 22 Feb, 2016 07:58 pm
So ugly.

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Mon 22 Feb, 2016 08:11 pm
edgarblythe wrote:

Huerta is a liar. They were not trying to get English only. They were trying to get a less biased person to do the job.

That too is bullshit. They just didn't want a Hillary-supporting translator doing the job. Which is stupid as **** because half the people there would've heard it if the translation was anything but accurate. They would only accept a Bernie supporter as translator. That's the type of silly bullshit the Bernie-or-bust people are fomenting.
cicerone imposter
Mon 22 Feb, 2016 08:18 pm
Politics has gotten so silly, no wonder people lose interest.
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Mon 22 Feb, 2016 08:28 pm
I looked at it and said what? I have probably liked Huerta before. Then I saw something that completely explained it and made it look like she was news fooling. I didn't save the link that changed my mind.

If I run across it, I'll post it.
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Mon 22 Feb, 2016 08:40 pm
Not true. They were asking for a "neutral" translator. Huerta had just come out the day before with a lyin-ass hatchet job on Bernie in the press. She's lost credibility with Bernie supporters because of this, and I'm glad people were there to record the liar, or you'd all be believing her bullshit right now
Mon 22 Feb, 2016 09:00 pm
Lash wrote:

Not true. They were asking for a "neutral" translator. Huerta had just come out the day before with a lyin-ass hatchet job on Bernie in the press. She's lost credibility with Bernie supporters because of this, and I'm glad people were there to record the liar, or you'd all be believing her bullshit right now

How in the hell would it matter who did the translation if half the people in the room were Hispanic? They would have had a couple of hundred witnesses if the woman altered the translation. No - the reason they raised a stink is SOLELY because she was a Hillary supporter. You can't twist everything into another indictment of Hillary, but you keep trying. It's pathetic and exhausting.
Mon 22 Feb, 2016 09:04 pm
You must have a problem with comprehension. If you can reread my post. Isent what I said at all. But if you want to read it that way fine.
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Mon 22 Feb, 2016 09:04 pm
They only made up that English only lying crap as a code for making Bernie people seem anti Hispanic, when a huge part of the process is being their friend, as every person in the room well knew. The Sanders crowd wanted somebody they trusted not to put nuances that were not there into it. As you would want for your side.
Mon 22 Feb, 2016 09:13 pm
Huerta volunteered to do the translation. The Bernie supporters screamed they wanted someone else. One of the event people then said "English only", because there wasn't any easy resolution to providing a translator acceptable to everyone. Some of the Bernie supporters seem to find a nefarious plot for every day of the week. What are you guys going to do to pass the time if Hillary clinches the nomination in March? I mean besides chastising all things Hillary forever, of course.
Mon 22 Feb, 2016 09:13 pm
Ive pointed this out before but here goes again. All the Bernites claim Hillary is a liar as their Bernie fellow puts out the lies that he is going to get everyone universal health care, and universal collage for everyone, and he is going to raise the taxes on the 1%, and he is going to get the 1% out of politics. He has been in congress for damn near 30 years and KNOWS he cant get even one of these promises through a republican house so tell me who here is lying? All these things sound wonderful except for the fact he cant get it done. Pie in the sky bull shyt.
Mon 22 Feb, 2016 09:16 pm
I am done talking to you. We will never see eye to eye and you repeat the same rant every time.
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Mon 22 Feb, 2016 09:18 pm
It was Huerta that made English only into a wedge issue before the press, not the Sanders people.
cicerone imposter
Mon 22 Feb, 2016 09:18 pm
Just proves most politicians are liars. Their rhetoric is to 'buy' people with promises they can't keep.
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Mon 22 Feb, 2016 09:22 pm
Jesus. What horrible thing are you alleging that Huerta was trying to accomplish?
Mon 22 Feb, 2016 09:29 pm
If you don't know you are in much deeper denial than I thought.
Mon 22 Feb, 2016 09:35 pm
This is a very thorough examination of the event. It includes a minutes-long video offered up by Susan Sarandon (a Bernie Supporter) that shows what actually happened. And it DOES NOT support any of the paranoid tripe that some are spreading. Somehow I don't expect that to slow down the righteous crusade to find a daily Hillary smear.

If you watch the Sarandon video, you will note that some of what is said and done is not audible or clear. But this much is:

Around 53:35, there is a call from the back of the room for a Spanish interpreter, because some in the room do not speak English.

There is a lot of cross talk, yelling, hissing and complaining around the 53:55 mark, as Huerta comes to the stage.

There are people shouting, "She's with Hillary" and "No," around the 54:12 mark.

At around 54:30, the permanent chair (the man speaking into the microphone) asks people to settle down, stop yelling and observe.

Then, the permanent chair says at around the 55:21 mark, "We're going forward in English only."

This statement was followed immediately by much applause and cheers of "Thank you." All of this together would indicate that the people pleased by the permanent chair's English-only decision were probably Sanders voters.

"...this video really does not prove Huerta was guilty of the bias alleged by Sanders supporters; it's easy to see why she felt abused and upset after being shouted off the stage. Nor does it completely clear the Sanders supporters of all the allegations against them; some of the comments that are clearly audible in it amount to more than bad public behavior."

"Some people at the caucus gathering may have been singularly focused on what they viewed as the risk of a Clinton supporter interpreting events for all Spanish-speakers in the room. But then, at the very least, they shouted an 80-plus-year-old woman off the stage for what they believed to be political bias. That is not a moment of which to be proud."

Mon 22 Feb, 2016 09:37 pm
edgarblythe wrote:

If you don't know you are in much deeper denial than I thought.

Dude, you are the one operating in delusion, not me. Read the damn account.
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cicerone imposter
Mon 22 Feb, 2016 09:45 pm
Susan Sarandon! My buddy and I saw her in Havana at one the most popular restaurants there, La Guarida. My buddy started talking to her, but she turned around and walked out.
Mon 22 Feb, 2016 09:46 pm
Since a translator from the other side of the room also volunteered before both were turned down ... I guess it means the other translator must have also had evil intent Confused

(worth looking at the updated snopes page as well as the piece in Salon, which provides some interesting context http://www.salon.com/2016/02/22/dolores_huerta_takes_on_bernies_base_nevada_caucus_flap_speaks_volumes_about_the_frustrations_of_sanders_supporters/ )

from Snopes

“What happened was this,” Huerta began. “We were there as observers, Bernie supporters and Hillary supporters in the back of the room. Somebody said, ‘we need translation’ and the gentleman running the caucus said we can have translation and the first person on stage can be the translator. I started walking toward the stage. Bernie supporters chanted, ‘no, no, no.’ A Bernie supporter said he wanted to translate. The gentleman running the caucus said we’re not going to do that. It got very loud, and I stepped off the stage.”

you can watch/listen to the video at Snopes.

The main thing I got out of it is how really amateurish the whole caucus thing is.
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