Olivier5 wrote:
What Fox says does not matter. The REAL risk for a Sanders candidacy is what the so calked liberal press will say. The NYT, Daily Beast, MSNBC etc. But since the alternative will likely be Trump or Cruz, the left and center left media will have no choice but support Sanders.
Not that many people follow the left and center-left media. It also matters what the TV commercials say. Trump will outspend Sanders 8 to 1 there. Low-information voters will watch that crap and then do their best to vote "for the greed that made America great, and against the creeping cancer of Communism."
Bloomberg will be another problem for Sanders in the general election, and another boon for Trump. He will take away a huge number of votes, but no more than half, since Bernie's backers are loyal as it comes. He and Sanders will split the Democratic vote, winning the election for Trump.