Quote:Rhapsody In August: Akira Kurosawa is one of the greatest film directors of all time. In fact, his film The Hidden Fortress is one of biggest inspirations for George Lucas and Star Wars. The director is mostly known for his historical samurai epic films. I prefer his non-samurai film such as this one starring Richard Gere. A very intimate portrait of a family and their grandmother who survived the bombing of Hiroshima.
I've seen only one Kurosawa film before, tsar. With a male friend. Just about his favourite director, he said. I can't even remember the title of the film now, but I do recall it was very long, with lots of rather surreal samurai fighting scenes ... I just couldn't share my friend's enthusiasm, though I certainly did my best. Came to the conclusion that Kurosawa must be "boy stuff"!
Rhapsody In August, as you've described it, sounds a totally different kettle of fish. This may be the first of my batch that I watch. Interesting. I might have actually missed out on any number of excellent Kurosawa films, wrongly believing that they were
all about samurai soldiers flying through the air during extraordinarily long sword fights!