Great recommendation, I loved Life as a House as well. That reminds me of two other favorites that came out at about the same time, Donnie Darko, which was a bit off the beaten path, and Ghost World, with great performances by Scarlett Johansson, Thora Birch, and Steve Buscemi.
msolga - no, Romance was made in 1979 - Diane Lane was just a kid then, it was her first movie, she couldn't have been but 13 or so. Like most American men, I first fell deeply in lust with Diane Lane when she was in Lonesome Dove, the American western based on the Larry McMurtry novel. Unfortunately it doesn't get much notice because it wasn't a theatrical release, but it would be interesting to know whether you've heard of it in Australia. It was one of the most enjoyable series I've ever seen on American tv.
"Once Upon A Time In America"-(Robert DeNiro and James Woods)
"Mullholland Drive"
Thank you for that information. I like the sound of both the films you recommended & will definitely look for them them when I replace my current lot from the video shop.
I felt pretty much the same as you about American Beauty. But on the 2nd viewing, realized that that the joke was on the Spacey character, that the film didn't condone his behavior. But I'm still ambivalent about the daughter & her drug-dealing boyfriend. Somehow I felt that the film portrayed him as romantic, heroic & idealistic, which really bothered me. I couldn't see how their choice to go to NYC (& live off drug-dealing) was anything but negative & sad.
Thank you, too!
No, I know nothing of A little Romance, but I'm hardly an "expert" who knows about every film ever made!

It does sound a gentle, interesting film & I'll ask my video shop people if they have it. ANOTHER recommendation for Life as a House! I MUST find it & see for myself! (I'm making a list!)
How have I missed Mullholland Drive???

Great reviews & endorsements & somehow I missed it. OK, it's on the "must see" list!
I endorse the reccomendation for Bread and Tulips; I think it's quite a moving "feel-good" film, specially for women viewers.
A Little Romance is also charming.
You have seen so many films! This is obviously a labor (?) of love for you. Hard work, but someone's gotta do it!
Not as many as you might imagine. An average of 60 a year, for 35 years. (I keep records on them, though).
My geographic position gives me qualitative advantage.
Last year I saw 56 films: 36 in English language. Only 2 or 3 of them were B movies. Plus 4 Mexican films, 3 from France, Spain and Italy, 2 from Argentina and Germany, 1 Cuban, 1 from Denmark and 1 from Belgium.
Plus 3 or 4 films I watched for the second or third time.
There avid movie watchers in English speaking countries that may double my numbers, but watching almost only films from the American movie industry.
Pretty amazing! I'm impressed!
Try Ship of Fools with Simone Signoret, Vivien Leigh and Lee Marvin. Also, The Apartment with Jack Lemmon and Shirley MacLaine. Both these films are in black-and-white. I think you'll find them interesting. :wink:
Have you seen "Unfaithful" yet? I believe you'd likeIt. As the" Men on Film", would say; "I give that 4 snaps, in a circle honey!"
msolga ~ I haven't seen it yet, but A#1 did ~ 'Signs', which is now in the video stores.
My son tells me that it's WAY full of suspense! (I think we're going to rent it tomorrow.....during the day.....for the sake of the child, of course.....)
Oh boy! Mom and I rented 'Unfaithful' two weeks ago.....
Whoa baby!
And that's all I'm gonna say!
Speaking of suspense, I loved The Others with my darling Nicole K., which reminds me of that sweet aussie picture that she was in when she was young (pause to check IMDb) Flirting, and of course one of her great performances, To Die For.
Larry ~ I was disappointed with 'The Others'! Not in the same way I was 'disappointed' with 'The Sixth Sense' ~ maybe because the two were so close in their stories?
I loved them both, but Sixth Sense more. Don't know why. Just like that creepy feeling they gave me, I thought they were very well done. The Sixth Sense "surprise" came as much as a surprise to me as did the one in Shawshank Redemption, another favorite. Maybe I'm a bit slow on the uptake with cinema surprises.
OK, williamhenry, I will. (I'm getting a large-ish list here - good!

) And thank you for your suggestions. BTW, I'm very fond of B&W ... It's like something from another time. Something special & different.
msolga - I wonder if you get more British films released down there than we do here? There is a British film from the 60's called Billy Liar that I just love. Starred Tom Courtenay of Dr. Zhivago and Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner fame. I saw it once on the Independent Film Channel and haven't seen it anywhere since, on tv or in a video store. Love Kind Hearts and Coronets too.
By the way, what is the reaction down there to Rabbit Proof Fence? Is starting to get publicity here, I guess it opens soon. Nicole Kidman mentioned it on a talk show last night as being "important to our country."
Yes, we certainly get a huge helping of British films here in Oz. Perhaps because we used to be a "colony" of England.
I've seen all the titles you've mentioned. There's a quaintness & understatement that I really enjoy about many British films. They don't SHOUT at you!
Rabbit Proof Fence has received lots of praise from critics, though has not received huge box office success. Possibly because it's seen by some as very PC. I'm waiting for it to come out in video. Going to the movies is very expensive here. You have to be very selective if you want to see lots of them. Have you seen Lantana? Just wonderful!!
Your movie watching experiences sound VERY exciting! I take it that Unfaithful was somewhat "explicit", as they say?

Was it fun, or excruciating?