Hundreds of Armed Right-Wing Militia Members Take Over Federal Building

bobsal u1553115
Fri 29 Jan, 2016 07:47 pm
Ammon And Ryan Bundy Denied Bail
Source: Oregon Public Broadcasting

Ammon And Ryan Bundy Denied Bail
by Conrad Wilson OPB | Jan. 29, 2016 3:59 p.m. | Portland, Oregon

Amanda Peacher/OPB

A judge at the federal courthouse in Portland Friday denied bail to three of the militants arrested near Burns earlier this week in connection with the armed occupation at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge.

Judge Stacie Beckerman denied bail to both Ammon and Ryan Bundy, saying both defendants are a flight risk and a danger to the community. Beckerman also denied bail for Ryan Payne.

The judge granted bail to a fourth defendant, Joseph O’Shaughnessy, however federal prosecutors appealed the decision. As a result, a ruling on O’Shaughnessy’s release has been stayed until Tuesday.


a litte more at link

Read more: http://www.opb.org/news/series/burns-oregon-standoff-bundy-militia-news-updates/ammon-and-ryan-bundy-denied-bail/#.VqwGrclRQqF.twitter
0 Replies
Fri 29 Jan, 2016 07:50 pm
Quote layman:
Heh, ever hear of ears? Finny was turning to see what the threat from behind him was when he was killed.

You're full of crap. He only turned around AFTER the shooting started. His hands had dropped from the hands-up position down to his midsection, his hands were either touching his waist or an inch from it, and the cops commenced firing. So sorry to contradict your fantasy.

Quote layman:
I didn't read a word past that. Just keep up your commie rhetoric and maintain your commie-ass narrative, eh?

Anybody who breaks the law and spends weeks telling the world he's armed and will use those arms to defend himself against arrest is a dangerous criminal. That's what your buddy "Finny" did. That's why he's dead.

But why spend your time lying here? Why not go over to your favorite lying militia website and commisserate with your buddies? Because your lies and BS are not going over here at all.

0 Replies
Fri 29 Jan, 2016 07:53 pm
The last holdouts in the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge standoff say they now want pardons for everyone involved before they'll leave the headquarters where they're holed up behind police roadblocks.

"Before we leave, every single one of the people involved in this operation should be pardoned," occupier David Fry said in a feed posted to YouTube just before noon Friday.


Feds: Nope. (I'm paraphrasing.)

Fri 29 Jan, 2016 07:55 pm
Honest to dog, I would have kind of liked to hear OmSig David on this matter!
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Fri 29 Jan, 2016 08:00 pm
The Latest: Remaining Oregon occupiers say they want pardons
Source: Associated Press

The Latest: Remaining Oregon occupiers say they want pardons

Updated 3:37 pm, Friday, January 29, 2016

BURNS, Ore. (AP) — The latest on an armed group that took over buildings at a federal wildlife refuge in Oregon (all times local):

1:35 p.m.

The last few occupiers of an Oregon wildlife refuge have posted another video in which they say they want pardons for everyone involved in the nearly monthlong standoff.

Four people remain at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. In a video posted Friday to the YouTube channel "DefendYourBase," which the group has been using to give live updates, the occupiers said they were in contact with the FBI.

A speaker believed to be David Fry said he asked the FBI whether it was possible to "get out of here without charges," but "they keep saying that's not possible."

Read more: http://www.chron.com/news/science/article/The-Latest-FBI-4-holdouts-remain-at-Oregon-6793054.php
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Fri 29 Jan, 2016 08:31 pm
He never put his arms up, he reached for a pistol twice.

WATCH: FBI Releases LaVoy Finicium Shooting Video Showing He Went For His Gun Twice

Investigators released the full, 26-and-a-half minute video recorded from a helicopter overhead in hopes of knocking down conspiracy theories about the Arizona rancher’s death.
By Travis Gettys / Raw Story
January 29, 2016


The FBI released video that clearly shows LaVoy Finicum reached toward his waist — twice — before he was fatally shot by law enforcement officers.

Investigators released the full, 26-and-a-half video recorded from a helicopter overhead in hopes of knocking down conspiracy theories about the Arizona rancher’s death.

His supporters, and one eyewitness, claimed Finicum died with his hands up in surrender.

The video, at about the 9:20 mark, shows Finicum jump out of his SUV with his hands outstretched from his sides after crashing into a snowbank.

One officer approaches from the front with a gun drawn, and Finicum reaches with his left hand toward the right side of his body.

He lifts his arms again and then turns to see a second officer come out of a wooded area behind him.

Finicum again reaches with his right hand toward the left side of his body, and the second officer shoots him.

It’s not clear how many rounds the officer fired, but the rancher falls to the snow, mortally wounded.

Investigators said Finicum was carrying a loaded 9 mm handgun in the left pocket of his jacket, and authorities said they had been warned that the militants were most likely armed.

The video does not appear to show any officers fire on the vehicle Finicum had been driving, although the flashes from stun grenades can be seen.

“As soon as the agents and troopers were confident that they had addressed any further threats, they provided medical assistance to Finicum,” ” target=”_blank”>said Greg Bretzing, the FBI special agent in charge. “That happened about 10 minutes after the shooting.

Agents and troopers did find 3 other loaded weapons inside the truck. They included two loaded .223 caliber semi-automatic rifles. There was also one loaded .38 special revolver.”

Victoria Sharp, an 18-year-old singer riding in the SUV, said she heard about 100 shotsfired on the vehicle after Finicum was shot.

Another militant, who was riding in another vehicle stopped by authorities, said two of Finicum’s passengers claimed he charged officers after exiting the vehicle.

Nevada Assemblywoman Michele Fiore claimed Ammon Bundy called his wife to say he watched Finicum shot to death on his knees or lying down — but none of those accounts appear to be accurate, based on video evidence, which seems to match accounts given by law enforcement.

The officers retreated behind their own vehicles for several minutes, before gradually closing in on the SUV, and eventually the other occupants get out.

Each of them lifts their arms high in surrender and walks very slowly away from the vehicle.

Finicum had fled a traffic stop that resulted in the arrests of several other militants, including leader Ammon Bundy, and nearly ran over an FBI agent as he tried to drive on to Grant County — where he believed the sheriff would protect him.

He had repeatedly stated that he would rather die for his interpretation of the U.S. Constitution than spend any time in jail.

Eight of the militants were arrested the night Finicum was killed, and most of the other militants ran away from the Malheur National Wildlife Preserve within hours.

Watch the entire video posted online by the FBI (warning — disturbing):
bobsal u1553115
Fri 29 Jan, 2016 08:38 pm

Eyewitnesses Knock Down Conspiracy Theories About LaVoy Finicum Dying With His Hands Up

Finicum claimed during the occupation that he was willing to die for his interpretation of the U.S. Constitution.

By Travis Gettys / Raw Story
January 27, 2016

The Bundy militants and their supporters are trying to turn LaVoy Finicum into a right-wing martyr, but two eyewitnesses deny that he was shot and killed in cold blood by law enforcement officers.

Finicum was part of a convoy headed Tuesday evening from the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge to the John Day Senior Center, where the armed militants apparently intended to set up a Committee of Safety as a form of shadow government ahead of a possible armed takeover of federal land in Grant County, Oregon.

State Rep. Michele Fiore (R-Nevada) and the “Bundy Ranch” Facebook page shared similar distorted accounts of Finicum’s fatal shooting, each claiming the rancher had been shot with his hands up while his friends were arrested.

But that’s not what happened, according to the eyewitnesses — who each posted their firsthand accounts in Facebook videos.

Melvin Lee, who said he was traveling with the group headed north up U.S. 395, said the first vehicle, which contained militant leader Ammon Bundy and his bodyguards, Brian Cavalier and Mark McConnell, was stopped by law enforcement offices serving an arrest warrant.

A second vehicle, which contained Ryan Bundy, Ryan Payne, Shawna Cox, Finicum and an unidentified 18-year-old woman, went around their stopped comrades’ vehicle but ran into a blockade about a mile away.

“There happened to be some arguments between the guys in the truck,” Lee said. “Somehow they got Ryan Payne pulled out of the truck, apparently. LaVoy had took off — he ended up hitting a snowbank, I guess, trying to get around the blockade. After he hit that snowbank, he came out of that truck and he charged at the law enforcement (officers) — as I understand it.”

McConnell — who was taken into custody, questioned and released — recorded a second video early Wednesday morning, saying that Payne told him that he and Finicum got into an argument in the pickup after the rancher fled the police stop.

He said Cox told him that Finicum crashed into the snowbank, jumped out of the manual transmission diesel pickup with the rear wheels still spinning and charged toward law enforcement officers.

The bodyguard said Cox and Payne each told him that Finicum charged toward officers before he was shot, and he explicitly denied that the rancher had surrendered or complied with law enforcement.

“He was not on his knees, none of that,” McConnell said. “He was none of that nonsense. You know, that was a miscommunication on somebody else’s part. But he went after them. He charged them. You know, LaVoy was very passionate about what he was doing up here.”

Finicum claimed early on during the occupation that he was willing to die for his interpretation of the U.S. Constitution.

“I have been raised in the country all my life,” Finicum said in a widely viewed television interview, shrouded in a blue tarp with a rifle on his lap. “I love dearly to feel the wind on my face. To see the sun rise, to see the moon. I have no intention of spending any of my days in a concrete box.”

McConnell said Finicum’s death should not be used to encourage further violence.

“If you weren’t up there, shut your mouth, shut your f*cking mouth — no one wants to hear from you,” McConnell said. “What happened up there, it was tragic — bottom line. We were all arrested, some of them are still in federal custody. LaVoy is deceased, but Ryan was not wounded, he was hit with a piece of shrapnel. Right now this town is being flooded with law enforcement.

All or most of the women or children left the wildlife refuge overnight, but some of the armed militants remain — apparently under the command of Arizona militiaman Blaine Cooper — and McConnell said the area was “flooded with law enforcement.”

“The stuff got stopped,” McConnell said. “You’re going to rush up here now because somebody got hurt, somebody got killed? Quite frankly, I’m going to ask you where you were before, where was your loyalty? Where was your support when this was going on? It’s pretty sad if people got to run up here now because somebody got hurt, somebody got killed. You know, I guess it was convenient — armchair quarterback it the rest of the way, but now we can move on something. You guys got to stop.”

Lee struck a similar tone in his video.

“This right here is a way to slow you down, calm you down and think — wait for the information to come out, people,” Lee said. “And another thing, we’ve been trying to negotiate with the refuge, as far as Blaine and them, but they’re not answering the phone.”

Editor’s note: New details added to include information shared by McConnell in a second video recorded Wednesday morning.
Fri 29 Jan, 2016 08:59 pm
Until they decide to move on the last holdouts, I am finished with the thread. Is too/Is not gets boring.
Fri 29 Jan, 2016 09:40 pm

Don't feed the troll certainly applies. This did/did not stuff is a snore and a distraction.
0 Replies
Sat 30 Jan, 2016 02:10 am
@bobsal u1553115,
bobsal u1553115 wrote:

He never put his arms up, he reached for a pistol twice.

Is this your quote or from the story?
Sat 30 Jan, 2016 02:12 am
@bobsal u1553115,
bobsal u1553115 wrote:

Eyewitnesses Knock Down Conspiracy Theories About LaVoy Finicum Dying With His Hands Up

Why do you believe some eyewitnesses but not others? Could it be that you agree with those that support your point of view but not those that disagree?

He said Cox told him that Finicum crashed into the snowbank, jumped out of the manual transmission diesel pickup with the rear wheels still spinning and charged toward law enforcement officers.

You've seen the video and you know this didn't happen. So, by your prior logic, this eyewitness must not be believed because this is an obvious lie.
Sat 30 Jan, 2016 07:41 am
Why do you believe some eyewitnesses but not others?

As I done posted, Gent, these guys aint even eyewitnesses, and that headline has been corrected. Bobby-boy just throws this **** up against the wall anyway.

These commies aint got no use for truth, just propaganda.
Sat 30 Jan, 2016 08:32 am
Because the video shows some witnesses, like that Victoria Sharp, are lying and some are not. And some people, like you, simply deny what the video clearly shows, or tries to say that "Finny's" hands could be said to be "in the air" if they are down at his midsection, as long as there is an angstrom of clearance between his fingertips and the fabric of his clothing. Gotta hand it to you Bundy boys-you have no facts but you fight on senselessly.
Sat 30 Jan, 2016 09:01 am
bobsal u1553115 wrote:
He never put his arms up, he reached for a pistol twice.

Quote McGentrix
Is this your quote or from the story?

Looking at the video again, the camera angle emerges from the trees at 9:21, Finicum is just emerging from the vehicle. His hands go straight out at his sides-not precisely in hands up positon, but far enough out to show that he doesn't have a weapon. He doesn't run towards the road where the cops are, he seems to run slightly way from the road. Then a cop starts running in from the road to intercept him. At 9:28, the cop and Finicum are about 20 feet from each other, and of course the cop's gun is drawn. At that point Finicum drops his hands from being straight out from his body, and brings them into his midsection. From 9:28 to 9:32, Finicum fiddles around the front of his midsection, as another cop approaches Finicum from the rear with a rifle. After four seconds of Finicum's hands searching the front of his sweatshirt, the cop from the rear shoots Finicum from 20 feet away.

Afterward, it was found that Finicum had a 9mm gun in the pocket of his sweatshirt, right where his hands were fishing around for four seconds.
0 Replies
Sat 30 Jan, 2016 09:05 am
Looking at the video again, it does appear that Finicum was shot by the cop coming up from behind. He was about 20 feet away from Finicum at the time. However, the cop from the rear only shot Finicum after Finicum was fishing around the front of sweatshirt for four seconds, (from 9:28 to 9;32) which is a long time in a situation like this. At 9:33, the cop from the rear shot Finicum.

As stated before, a 9mm pistol was found in the pocket where Finicum had put his hand. And no, Finicum does not have to withdraw the weapon and brandish it so the cop can see it clearly before shooting him. You can't hold your hands straight out at your sides like you are surrendering, then when a cop approaches you with gun drawn drop your hands and start fishing around a pocket in your sweatshirt and expect to live.
Sat 30 Jan, 2016 09:38 am
I read that LaVoy Finicum actually brought his daughters and grandchildren to the militia headquarters and posed for pictures with his kids. He told the authorities to allow them “safe passage” into the refuge." People who use their children as shields in political warfare? Disgusting! He should have stayed home and seek proper mental health treatment like all right wing nuts should. Stupidity and greed, the price.
Sat 30 Jan, 2016 09:50 am
Finicum was there at the Bundy ranch a couple of years ago when they used women as human shields, and it did prevent the Feds from advancing. So these fellows figured they had it knocked-take over whatever you want, just bring women and children there and the cops can't do anything.

Amid all the bluster about having guns and fighting to the death, the militants had it pretty nice in that "occupation"-most of them were just there for the day, soaking up the vibes, and then went into town where they rented motel rooms. They even had musical groups coming there to sing for them. For awhile there, Malheur bird sanctuary became a militant right wing Woodstock.
Sat 30 Jan, 2016 09:52 am
I'm going to say what conservatives say every time a Black man or child is shot by police under suspicious circumstances: if he didn't want to get shot, he should have obeyed the law.
bobsal u1553115
Sat 30 Jan, 2016 10:00 am
"Before we leave, every single one of the people involved in this operation should be pardoned," occupier David Fry said

Translation: In that its only me facing charges the other three numbnuts here guarding me can leave at will, if I can't get pardons for everybody else, I'll settle for one for myself. "

Sumbitch is holding himself hostage!!!!


Buffons with automatic weapons.
Sat 30 Jan, 2016 10:08 am
@bobsal u1553115,
After Ammon Bundy was taken into custody and Finicum got shot, I believe the cops gave everyone a deadline, like one day, that they were free to leave. One of the leaders, Jason Patrick, left shortly after the deadline with three other people, and they were arrested and are in Portland now. Patrick claims that the cops said he was free to go, but his departing time was after the deadline.

My question is-is anyone who left during that period after Bundy's arrest when the cops said they "free to go" ever actually arrested? If so, are the guys who are with Fry at this time actually "free to go" and won't have to worry about felony charges?

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