Hundreds of Armed Right-Wing Militia Members Take Over Federal Building

Tue 26 Jan, 2016 07:30 am
@Walter Hinteler,
Ok, Right. Raw Story. Not an online newspaper, sorry. At most, it's a liberal version of the Drudge Report. Would you consider the Drudge Report to be an online newspaper?
Walter Hinteler
Tue 26 Jan, 2016 08:07 am
McGentrix wrote:
Raw Story. Not an online newspaper, sorry.

The Raw Story is an American online news organization founded in 2004 by John Byrne. It covers current national and international political and economic news and publishes its own editorials and investigative pieces. [...] On August 4, 2008 the Online News Association announced that RawStory.com was a finalist in the 2008 Online Journalism awards in the "Liberal, Small Site" category ....

McGentrix wrote:
Would you consider the Drudge Report to be an online newspaper?
The Drudge Report is an American news aggregation website. ...the site consists mainly of links to stories from the United States and international mainstream media ...
0 Replies
Tue 26 Jan, 2016 08:16 am
The Feds should cut off power and water to the refuge building, and if they tear it up, prosecute the perpetrators for the damages they cause.

From what I've read they can't just shut it off because of the way the power grid is constructed. Everyone feels it is too dangerous to send a lineman out there to shut it off.

I haven't read, but wonder about, all the artifacts they have stored out there and whether they require some climate controls.
Tue 26 Jan, 2016 08:57 am
I believe it was you who pointed out there were two children there as well. At least some of the time. Just a week after the "occupation", if that is what it is, O'Shaughnessy was revealed as having a motel room and accused of drinking up the donations at a local bar. From that it was widely reported that a lot of the militia had these motel rooms and had places in town where they congregate, so this whole thing resembles a union picketing a place in shifts than it does Masada. The militants pretend it's Masada for the news media, then knock off and go to their motel room for long sleep and a shower while the new shift comes in.
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bobsal u1553115
Tue 26 Jan, 2016 09:46 am
"online" newpapers are blogs? BULLSHIT.
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bobsal u1553115
Tue 26 Jan, 2016 09:47 am
Now that was a an outrageous example of a blog/opinion without fact or truth.
Tue 26 Jan, 2016 02:01 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
Seriously? The entire thing was fact and truth. Maybe you just can't see what the truth is anymore because you've been reading some blogs from "Raw Story"? Pretty sure that the case.

That's how it works see? I post an article, include a link to the article and the article provides links to it's sources. That's how the news USED to work. Now, anyone can write anything and put it on the internet and rubes like you pass it on like gospel. Shame.
0 Replies
Tue 26 Jan, 2016 02:03 pm
Today they arrested a second one of these dudes. The one that took the cameras.
Tue 26 Jan, 2016 02:06 pm
Today they arrested a second one of these dudes. The one that took the cameras.

Well, that at least explains their request that sympathizers send them some selfie-sticks.
0 Replies
Tue 26 Jan, 2016 02:10 pm

BURNS — The Burns Paiute Tribe has added its name to the chorus of voices growing impatient with the federal government's low-profile response to the armed occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge.

In a letter dated Friday to U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch, the tribe demanded that law enforcement officials stop allowing Arizona businessman Ammon Bundy and his supporters free passage to and from the federal bird sanctuary.

The tribe also told the government that it is obligated under its treaty with the Northern Paiutes to inflict punishment for "any crime or injury...perpetrated by any white man upon the Indians."

"The land on which the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge is located is in the heart of our tribe's ancestral territory," wrote Charlotte Roderique, chair of the tribe. "This is sacred place to the Burns Paiute Tribe. The refuge and the refuge buildings hold invaluable, irreplaceable and endangered aspects of the tribe's cultural heritage."

One of the buildings currently occupied by the militants, Roderique added, "holds over 4,000 tribal artifacts, site records, maps and confidential documents related to the tribe's cultural resources."

Roderique worried that the protesters would finance the occupation by selling the artifacts.

"Unfortunately," Roderique wrote, "there is a long history of a black market for Native American antiquities. There continues to be a robust market for the sale of tribal artifacts, notwithstanding the outright illegality of their acquisition.

"Allowing the militants free passage from the refuge means that our cultural patrimony is unprotected and easily transported outside the refuge for sale or misappropriation by the militants."

The tribe lamented that there is "constant interaction" between the protesters and outsiders and pointed out a recent FedEx delivery to the occupiers.

"Condoning the illegal occupation of a federal facility by armed lawbreakers only encourages others to believe they can behave in the same way, with impunity," Roderique wrote.

The tribe closed the letter by calling for a "swift resolution" of the occupation, which has entered its fourth week.

The tribe's impatience echoes Oregon Gov. Kate Brown, who on Wednesday used the same phrase – "swift resolution" – in a letter to Lynch and FBI Director James Comey. In a separate letter to President Obama, Brown insisted that the occupation end "without further delay."

The same day, Brown called the situation "absolutely intolerable and it must be resolved immediately" during a news conference. She acknowledged that federal authorities had asked her to say as little as possible about the occupation.

In response to Brown's comments, the FBI released a statement that said its response has been "deliberate and measured as we seek a peaceful resolution."
Tue 26 Jan, 2016 02:13 pm

A 54-year-old Woodburn man who said he wanted to be the Bundys' personal guard has been arrested after saying he wanted to kill federal agents.

Authorities responded to Hines Market on U.S. 20 late Monday morning on a report of an armed man who was saying he wanted to join the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge occupiers and "help with killing federal agents," according to a post on the Harney County Sheriff's Office's Facebook page.

The man, Joseph A. Stetson, appeared to be intoxicated and had a pellet gun in his belt holster, the Facebook post said. He resisted arrest and directed repeated, profanity-laced death threats toward the authorities who were arresting him.

He also kicked the door of a patrol truck after being placed inside the truck.

The Harney County District Attorney's Office released a body camera recording of an Oregon State Police trooper talking with Stetson and placing him in the backseat of a patrol truck. The video contains graphic language.
Tue 26 Jan, 2016 02:28 pm
edgarblythe wrote:

Today they arrested a second one of these dudes. The one that took the cameras.

I read an article about this a few minutes before posting. Now I can't find mention of it.
bobsal u1553115
Tue 26 Jan, 2016 02:53 pm
I saw it, too. Gimee a coupla minutes .....
0 Replies
Tue 26 Jan, 2016 02:55 pm
Good for Roderique.

I worked on projects for a tribal council (several different tribes, at least in my memory of the group members) in my old home area and found them to be passionate and interesting people; a few of our artists at the gallery had tribal affiliation, also passionate and interesting. It seems different here in that I don't get around much now and don't have any direct experience working with tribes here, thus my still being fairly ignorant about goings on, but I presume them all to have similar concerns as with the Burns Paiute Tribe.
Tue 26 Jan, 2016 02:56 pm
0 Replies
Tue 26 Jan, 2016 02:57 pm
I've been impressed by what I've seen/heard of Roderique.
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bobsal u1553115
Tue 26 Jan, 2016 03:17 pm
Here 'tis:

An Oregon man involved in the armed standoff has been arrested on multiple charges today
Source: dKOS

Harney County resident Levi Majors answered the Ammon Bundy siren song of freedom and joined up with the armed militants at the Malheur Wildlife Refuge approximately two weeks ago. He appeared on camera for television news crews, helping the militants to remove cameras on the refuge ...

Levi Majors jumped in and announced that he intended to keep the cameras. As a Harney County resident, he said “I paid for this! These are mine!” Walking away with his prize, he noted “I’ve always wanted one of these!” You can watch him take the cameras at the approximately 5:20 mark of the video ....

January 26, 2016, Levi Major was arrested and booked for Aggravated Theft - I and Criminal Mischief. At this time there is no confirmation the arrest is related to the stolen cameras. . We’ll update ...

Read more: http://www.dailykos.com/story/2016/1/26/1475404/-An-Oregon-man-involved-in-the-armed-standoff-has-been-arrested-on-multiple-charges-today

It gets better!!

Joseph Arthur Stetson, a 2016 Republican candidate for President, was arrested yesterday
on his way to the #BundyTeaParty where he wanted to "help with killing federal agents."

"I'll kill all of you. If I go to jail, when I come out, I'll kill all of you. I don't give a **** about all that ****, I'm a green beret.
You damn sons-of-bitches are Nazi Germany, that's all you are, and i can't be killed anyways. Frikkin fascists ...."

joe stetson Shared publicly - Jun 10, 2015

my name is Joseph Arthur Stetson i am runnig for president of the united states of america 2016 if you are smart you will put a cowboy in the white house that will do good for this great country of ours instead of a crooket politicion that just lies to the american people and lines his packets with gold when i am president i will go only 100 persent by the constitution the VA, Immigration, social security, k to 12, healthcare can be fixed in six months or les with the us constitution and the american citizens so please vote for Joseph Arthur Stetson for president 2016 of the united states of america.have a good day americans.

You can't make this stuff up!

Tue 26 Jan, 2016 03:26 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
I bet he spends more than a few months taking advantage of a different government facility after this.
Tue 26 Jan, 2016 03:38 pm
Thanks Boom . . . no, i wouldn't want to see a lineman sent out there with that pack of loons either.
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bobsal u1553115
Tue 26 Jan, 2016 03:58 pm
Here's another one:

Man arrested after saying he wanted to join Oregon militia to kill federal agents
Source: The Guardian

Man arrested after saying he wanted to join Oregon militia to kill federal agents

Video shows Joseph Stetson refusing to hand over his gun, and he threatened to
murder police as he was being arrested for driving under the influence

Sam Levin in San Francisco
Tuesday 26 January 2016 19.10 GMT

Oregon police have arrested a man after he said he wanted to join Ammon Bundy’s armed militia occupying a wildlife refuge and intended to “help with killing federal agents”.

Joseph Stetson, 54, was armed with a pellet gun and on his way to join the protests at the Malheur national wildlife refuge when Oregon state police stopped him and eventually arrested him for driving under the influence of alcohol, according to local prosecutors.

The Harney County sheriff’s office on Monday night published body camera footage of an Oregon state police trooper questioning and handcuffing Stetson at a gas station about 30 miles away from the wildlife sanctuary that a rightwing militia seized on 2 January to protest the federal government.

Police had received reports Monday morning that Stetson was armed and had made comments that he wanted to join Bundy’s militia and intended to “help with killing federal agents”, according to the Harney County district attorney.


Read more: http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/jan/26/oregon-militia-standoff-man-arrested-help-kill-federal-agents

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