"I think you are doing a little self-serving projecting."
Why on earth would I engage in projection that isn't self-serving? Do you think me some sort of fool?
"Anointed" and "queen". The first, as I said, has no precedent use I know of before Limbaugh's "the Anointed One". As to "anointed king", have you ever used that phrase anywhere for any reason? The sexist component in movement conservatism is not really a deniable feature. Limbaugh has been just one exemplar. The notions held, as a theological matter, by southern Baptists re the proper power dynamics of male and female are explicit. And there's a broader history of denigration of Hillary because of her gender, eg, that being a key feature in right wing attacks on her in Bill's first term during her initiatives to establish "Hillarycare". But it is the case that sexist notions/values are not restricted to the American right even if that's where we find them predominantly.
In the minds of millions of conservatives, Palin was regarded just as I've said. You may not have followed her Facebook page with all it's rich plaudits from such conservatives, but I did. Perhaps, too, you missed the postings from her fans all over the internet ("you libtards are scared to death of Sarah", etc). She was the VP nominee for the GOP. That key piece of history is worthy of attention. And surely you understand that the leap from Palin to Trump is really no leap at all.
Nuance in language is eminently worthy of close attention whether its source is a political speech/copy writer, a car salesman, a fellow at the bar hitting on your daughter, a con man, a comic, a marketing campaign or what have you. Much of what is communicated in any speech act uses nuance as vehicle.
I do attend to Rush (and much else in the right wing media universe) and have for a long while. When you wish to understand a thing, you have to put in the time.
"Gorilla dust". That's interesting. I had never bumped into the term before and could make no sense of it thinking of its two components. I found a definition in an urban dictionary. I'll allow that it had currency before and outside of that dictionary's suggestion but it certainly is also the case that I found the notion of you spinning on your head in Central Park quite delightful. I even pictured your wife and daughter nearby wearing hoodies and holding a boombox. I will not permit you to take those delightful images away from me.
Re who is supporting Trump. That is actually understood in some detail. Lots of polling has been done on this. Simply type "who supports Donald Trump" into a google search and that data will be provided to you, should you care to investigate. I trust you don't really imagine he would fare well in a general election? Particularly this coming one.