Who do you think will be the next president of the United States?

Reply Wed 16 Mar, 2016 08:36 am
Lash said something about lawsuits and using it for evidence. I hope that it is just wishful thinking on her part.
Reply Wed 16 Mar, 2016 08:44 am
It's nonsense. For a start most of the posters on here are anonymous. Nothing said about an anonymous poster is going to impact on their real life. It falls at the first hurdle.
Reply Wed 16 Mar, 2016 08:52 am
That was my first and logical thought, turns out I was wrong. I googled it and there are cases involving message boards and lawsuits of libel or defaming a person's reputation. However, you may be right in that I think in those cases, the person they were defaming was a known person (I think in most cases someone famous or infamous) by anonymous posters. Those posters either settled or apologized online.
Reply Wed 16 Mar, 2016 09:19 am
In order to get any damages you also need to show economic harm to some degree from the libel.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 16 Mar, 2016 09:37 am
It still remains Lash's explanation is the only one that makes sense of why they removed an entire thread. I hope another explanation comes along or it will just remain a mystery. As for me, I guess I'll use this thread because it sure doesn't look like Hillary is going to need to quit anytime soon.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 16 Mar, 2016 09:56 am
Lash said something about lawsuits and using it for evidence.

Lawsuit on what?

To repeatedly spread Nazi propaganda -- like izzy was doing on that thread -- would be running afoul of the law in my country. Not sure it's the same in the UK though.
Reply Wed 16 Mar, 2016 10:03 am
See here

Lash wrote:
I'm guessing that was the pedophile thread.

Is evidence being collected for a lawsuit?

She (I assume)is talking about the Hillary thread where some of us got into a discussion concerning the above topic and certain posters defending said topic which would lead one to suppose a person was said topic. I suppose after this, it would be better to leave all such topics alone.
Reply Wed 16 Mar, 2016 10:12 am
She probably means that Bill could use the thread as evidence for a libel lawsuit.

Indeed, being called a pedophile by a bunch of random internet posters must be a pain. I hope you didn't partake in it. Izzy was banned once probably because of doing just that, and that was well deserved IMO. Spreading such ugly **** about other posters is not appropriate and whoever does it should be banned. That would be better than pulling entire threads down.
Reply Wed 16 Mar, 2016 10:44 am
Olivier5 wrote:

She probably means that Bill could use the thread as evidence for a libel lawsuit.

Indeed, being called a pedophile by a bunch of random internet posters must be a pain. I hope you didn't partake in it. Izzy was banned once probably because of doing just that, and that was well deserved IMO. Spreading such ugly **** about other posters is not appropriate and whoever does it should be banned. That would be better than pulling entire threads down.

Just for clarity, and to be historically accurate about the nature of those A2K 'discussions' about pedophilia...
It's not as if people just started flinging accusations about, in a vacuum. There were individuals who were mounting defenses and rationalizations for sleeping with underaged girls. They were met with I think reasonable and emminently understandable raised eyebrows and incredulity, and...yes, accusations of pedophilia. The individuals in question were either trying to defend personal propensities, or acting as stalwart defenders and heros of personal liberty. The former was simply far easier to believe.
Reply Wed 16 Mar, 2016 10:55 am
I don't know about that. What I have seen were wholy frivoulous accusations based on a story of Bill bringing some darn kittens to a park.

It's one thing to defend whatever opinion you have, another entirely to call people pedophile, racist, nazi or whatever just because you don't like what they are saying. There's far too much of the latter happening on A2K. It's sad and it's sick.
Reply Wed 16 Mar, 2016 11:14 am
Agreed. Debating someone's position is one thing, making unsubstantiated claims to support an ad hominem attack is another.
Reply Wed 16 Mar, 2016 11:19 am
Olivier5 wrote:

I don't know about that. What I have seen were wholy frivoulous accusations based on a story of Bill bringing some darn kittens to a park.

It's one thing to defend whatever opinion you have, another entirely to call people pedophile, racist, nazi or whatever just because you don't like what they are saying. There's far too much of the latter happening on A2K. It's sad and it's sick.

I think we're talking about different conversations. The one's I remember had Hawkeye and Billrm defending the right of grown men to sleep with girls not of consenting age.
Reply Wed 16 Mar, 2016 11:21 am
An odd claims as I never defend having sex with underage people and yet I was a large target for such bullshit.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 16 Mar, 2016 11:21 am
Especially when the ad hominem is not just the average insult, but a criminal accusation like pedophile. I can't even imagine how painful it would be to be repeatedly called a pedophile, but you can call me an asshole any day.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 16 Mar, 2016 11:24 am
If you can find the posts then please produce them. Otherwise, you should perhaps shut up.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 16 Mar, 2016 11:25 am
I think we're talking about different conversations. The one's I remember had Hawkeye and Billrm defending the right of grown men to sleep with girls not of consenting age.

I suggest strongly that you at once withdraw your claims that I had ever supported grown men having sex with underage girls or be able to proved it as I am going to file a complain against you at once if you do not withdraw such a claim.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 16 Mar, 2016 12:01 pm
Personally I am going to leave it alone, I remember what I remember, but I sure am not going to go searching a few years ago (however long ago it was, it was a rape thread) for specific posts which led to a summation which some (including me)came to. Make of it what anybody likes. Since this unbelievably might have moved into the realms of lawsuits, I am not saying anything else specific or at all (hopefully) anymore.
Reply Wed 16 Mar, 2016 12:09 pm
People should not slander people and then when challenge get to wave their hands in the air.

As far as legal suits that is unlikely to happen here as it is not practical for a number of reasons and we can only hope that the administrators will go to the trouble to limit the amount of slander allowed here.
Reply Wed 16 Mar, 2016 12:19 pm
All right, without getting too specific and without trying all day to find posts of which I probably won't be able to, I just go by what I remember, it was more of a vague feeling which sickened me. Anyway, since it is possible I formed that impression in error; it was something to do with you defending people who go to child porn on the internet. Got specific after all, hope it doesn't bite me on the behind afterwards.
Reply Wed 16 Mar, 2016 12:27 pm
Sorry I never defended child porn and never stated it should not be a crime my friend.

My sin was agreeing with the majority of federal judges by a poll of them that the US laws had gone insane concerning the degree of punishment for that crime.

In fact I had stated over and over that the degree of punishment in the UK for that crimes and others crimes for that matter seems more sane then in the US.

So daring to agree with the majority of US federal judges and the laws of the UK is enough to proved what about me?

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