The rules are changing, we are going to start showing the assholes the door

Reply Wed 27 Jun, 2018 09:15 am
You don’t get that Max is the troll because he keeps coming back to make more irritating comments to keep the conversation going?

You seriously don’t understand what a troll is, do you?
Reply Wed 27 Jun, 2018 09:45 am
Max has a different opinion than everyone else on that thread. That’s not trolling. He’s trying to talk about Koko. That’s on topic. Not trolling.

Setanta and Glitterbag begin attacking Max on a personal basis. At least Setanta occasionally threw in a reference to Koko, but deep personal criticisms of Max were the overwhelming content of their remarks. It was a very clear effort to shut him up. Several posts by Glitterbag don’t even mention Koko—just attacks on Max—that’s what she came for.

To troll.

Do YOU really not get that?
Reply Wed 27 Jun, 2018 12:38 pm
Lash wrote:

Max has a different opinion than everyone else on that thread. That’s not trolling. He’s trying to talk about Koko. That’s on topic. Not trolling.

Lash, Max goes on almost Every thread and states a contrary opinion in order to get people jazzed up and arguing. He succeeds far too often.

Haven’t you ever looked at his avatar? He promotes the fact he is a troll and enjoys it. It’s what he does.

You have it completely bass ackwards.

Reply Wed 27 Jun, 2018 01:17 pm
Lash must be having hot flashes. My first post in that thread--where I will no longer waste my time--included links to articles about Koko. I then posted links to articles about Kanzi, a bonobo who uses a touch pad to produce words, and Betsy, a long-haired border collie who has a 95% success rate at retrieving items she has never seen before when shown a photograph of the item. Chai is correct, Max is trolling a thread with his Mr. Science dog and pony show, and the content of his posts which hare never contained specific references to methodology, have only relied on comments by journalists about Koko or the other animals. Anybody can go there and see him talking to himself, hoping someone else will talk to him so he can continue to troll. He trashes or attempts to trash any thread he plunges into, especially threads about women, whom he hates and fears.

There's enough morons around here, though, that I'm sure even Max has his own fan club. I suspect that Lash is just enjoying the opportunity to take cheap shots at me. Kiss, kiss, Lash.
Reply Wed 27 Jun, 2018 01:28 pm
Setanta wrote:

Lash must be having hot flashes. My first post in that thread--where I will no longer waste my time--included links to articles about Koko. I then posted links to articles about Kanzi, a bonobo who uses a touch pad to produce words, and Betsy, a long-haired border collie who has a 95% success rate at retrieving items she has never seen before when shown a photograph of the item. Chai is correct, Max is trolling a thread with his Mr. Science dog and pony show, and the content of his posts which hare never contained specific references to methodology, have only relied on comments by journalists about Koko or the other animals. Anybody can go there and see him talking to himself, hoping someone else will talk to him so he can continue to troll.

Had Setanta stopped here, it would have been a reasonable response. But, nope, has to keep going and this is where Setanta becomes a troll in his own right. Begging for a response and starting an argument.

Setanta wrote:
He trashes or attempts to trash any thread he plunges into, especially threads about women, whom he hates and fears.

There's enough morons around here, though, that I'm sure even Max has his own fan club. I suspect that Lash is just enjoying the opportunity to take cheap shots at me. Kiss, kiss, Lash.

This last part is a USDA,prime example or trollish behavior. Full of insults, wide ranging and effective at getting a response and continuing an argument from another thread.
Reply Wed 27 Jun, 2018 01:40 pm
Maybe she is doing it to take shots at you, I don't know.

I'm thinking it's more than that. I think it's that Lash has a fundamental misunderstanding what a troll it.

Until her last post here, I was thinking she was just skewed toward the meaning of the word, as it directed affected her. In that "I don't like what you're saying, you're a troll."

Now I see it goes well beyond that.

I saw the Koko thread as one of those topics of "Gee it's sad this gentle giant died, RIP Koko"
Yeah, and all of Koko's being well known is because of sign language.

While I'm not a fan of threads that are off the scale mushy touchy feely where no one is allowed to voice any sort of difference of opinion, I don't think the Koko thread was the place to do it.

Me? I felt like it was a little wake being held for Koko. You know, remembering the good. Most people wouldn't show up at a wake and say "Yeah well, the guy really wasn't that bright." That person IRL would have just not gone to the wake. Max just wanted to start something up, and as he does many times made it work.

The thought that everyone else is the problem, not the initial person that barrells in and says something contrary, just for the sake of being contrary is incredible to me.

All one has to do is look over Max's first appearance in the majority of threads he posts in to realize his role on A2K is to be the person that starts up a mess, that often derails a thread, and ruins it.

The fact that others have experienced this time and time again, and say something about it, doesn't make them the problem.

The reason I posted on the Koko thread with the LOL emoticon was that max responded "whatever" to being called on a few/couple mistakes about the gorilla, but will argue until the cows come home if anyone else says something even vaguely unclear.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 27 Jun, 2018 01:41 pm
Hilarious. You mean Max is doing his best to be a troll, but is unable to surpass the trollishness of Gbag and Setanta.

Reply Wed 27 Jun, 2018 01:44 pm
Lash wrote:

Hilarious. You mean Max is doing his best to be a troll, but is unable to surpass the trollishness of Gbag and Setanta.


Well, I guess the only answer you would understand is "yes"

Although I don't think the other 2 were being trolls, just calling a troll on his behavior.

I love it when someone posts something like this 'so you mean to tell me...' type comment, and the answer is, "yes, that is what I mean to tell you."
0 Replies
Reply Wed 27 Jun, 2018 02:08 pm
chai2 wrote:

Lash wrote:

Max has a different opinion than everyone else on that thread. That’s not trolling. He’s trying to talk about Koko. That’s on topic. Not trolling.

Lash, Max goes on almost Every thread and states a contrary opinion in order to get people jazzed up and arguing. He succeeds far too often.

Haven’t you ever looked at his avatar? He promotes the fact he is a troll and enjoys it. It’s what he does.

You have it completely bass ackwards.

I disagree, I don't see Max trolling here (or anywhere else). Max honestly disagrees, in this case about animal language skills, and is debating that point. The position he is representing is held by other people even if they are in the minority. Feel free to debate it with him or agree to disagree but I don't ever see him be the first to start throwing personal attacks. Also note that recently Max has been starting threads on current events and inviting conversation. If that gets people jazzed up and arguing that is not all bad. We all don't have to agree.

While I'm not a fan of threads that are off the scale mushy touchy feely where no one is allowed to voice any sort of difference of opinion, I don't think the Koko thread was the place to do it.

That is the nature of the site. Threads meander and change focus. I don't see that a discussion on the nature or validity of non-human communication was a no-go zone on that thread; it feels like a natural progression of the conversation. I could see others disagreeing, but it doesn't make Max evil for going there.

It would be interesting to get Robert's opinion, but I doubt Max would even show up on his radar screen.
Reply Wed 27 Jun, 2018 02:18 pm
You apparently have a strange notion of what constitutes debate. At any event, it was an obituary thread. You consider that a good venue to stomp around and trash the thread? That's what Max did. He presented zero evidence for his rant. I suspect you don't really know Max's history at this site.
Reply Wed 27 Jun, 2018 02:20 pm
I really should stop--this is exactly why Max trolls and trashes threads. Nobody will talk to him otherwise, and he hates being ignored.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 27 Jun, 2018 02:21 pm
We disagree, and that's totally cool.

I'm not trying to pick out max in particular.

my understanding of a troll (in part) is someone who intentionally inserts a contrary opinion, just for the sake of getting a response.

I'm inserting an opinion contrary to yours, but don't expect or not expect a response from you or anyone else.

Other people in the world just like to stir things up.
Reply Wed 27 Jun, 2018 02:22 pm
Someone else who doesn't seem to know Max's history at this site. I certainly have a personal animosity toward that clown. Every thread I've ever started in praise of women, he has come in to stomp around and trash the thread.

Lash brought this over from the other thread, not me. Buy a vowel.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 27 Jun, 2018 02:44 pm
Lash wrote:

Hilarious. You mean Max is doing his best to be a troll, but is unable to surpass the trollishness of Gbag and Setanta.


This has got me thinking.

I have to assume this was meant either as a question, or as a statement of what lash disbelievingly (as evidenced by the smh) read me say.

If I had done the same thing to lash, she would be claiming I was trolling her....following her around and restating, calling me on, arguing what I said.

Lash would feel perhaps I was harrassing her, wondering why I was trying to force/intice/trick/etc her into further argument.

But if lash does it.....it's quite all right. It's expressing her opinion. Nothing more or less.

I would imagine it would take the wind out of my sails if I posted a comment asking/telling someone what they just said, in the method of "you mean...." or "you mean to tell me..." or similar, and to get a "yes, that's what I meant" in response.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 27 Jun, 2018 02:46 pm
I don't think Max is just trying to promote outrage, I think he has a contrary opinion and would like to debate the topic. That some people get outraged is besides the point, after all this is the Internet and outrage is as common as air.
Reply Wed 27 Jun, 2018 02:49 pm
The only way I could see it as being trolling type behavior is if this contrary, debatable position is off-topic. I'm not going to read the thread to find out but I think back to JTT or whatever his name was who would insert something about 9/11 into every single thread he posted on. That's an extreme example; maybe some of what Max does is a less extreme version. Maybe not. I don't know.

Having a contrary position, on the topic of discussion, is not itself trolling. This is true regardless of how people respond.

It could be some other type of behavior or issue though (such as just being an asshole) that often gets mislabeled as trolling.
Reply Wed 27 Jun, 2018 03:01 pm
Well then, firstly max has a contrary opinion, and would like to debate it, on essentially every thread he posts on there.

Secondly, like I said, this was a thread to acknowledge the passing of a creature that lived a good life. I don't think that was the specific thread for a debate.

If someone wanted a debate, they could easily start another thread about it, for that purpose.

You have to know your audience.

Max does know his audience, because IMO, he wants to rile them. If he truly wanted to engage in the gentelman sport of debate, he would start specific debate threads.

Well, if he did start a specific debate thread (if that is truly what he wants) he might not get many people to join in with him.

If he crashes a thread where the tone is obviously of a specific nature, for example "So sad he died", and interjects his subject for "debate", it shouldn't be surprising it's not welcome.

Max didn't appear to want to talk about Koko per se, but the subject of if animals can communicate in the way scientists and others state Koko could.

For the sake of the thread, that could have been taken to another thread, to be discussed. Animal ability to communicate.....then, within it, he could bring up Koko or Clever Hans or Flipper or whatever else.

Instead, he takes a specific, and wants to broaden it out, which wasn't welcomed in this case....or at least within the first page of the thread. Perhaps the timing would have been better when most people had expressed their condolences.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 27 Jun, 2018 03:06 pm
maporsche wrote:

The only way I could see it as being trolling type behavior is if this contrary, debatable position is off-topic. I'm not going to read the thread to find out but I think back to JTT or whatever his name was who would insert something about 9/11 into every single thread he posted on. That's an extreme example; maybe some of what Max does is a less extreme version. Maybe not. I don't know.

Having a contrary position, on the topic of discussion, is not itself trolling. This is true regardless of how people respond.

It could be some other type of behavior or issue though (such as just being an asshole) that often gets mislabeled as trolling.

Basically 3 people posted it was said Koko died. The 4th post was Max saying essentially the animal couldn't do what people claimed. People tried to bring it back on track, including a little light humor, but he would have none of it.

Move along, nothing to see here.

Reply Wed 27 Jun, 2018 03:13 pm
Bananas anyone?

No matter what has been said here, Koko was the gorill-of-my-dreams.

I think it rather ironic how some people choose to beat their chests about this issue.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 27 Jun, 2018 03:51 pm


If I had done the same thing to lash, she would be claiming I was trolling her....following her around and restating, calling me on, arguing what I said.

Lash would feel perhaps I was harrassing her, wondering why I was trying to force/intice/trick/etc her into further argument.

But if lash does it.....it's quite all right. It's expressing her opinion. Nothing more or less.

This is all a figment of chai’s imagination.

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