The rules are changing, we are going to start showing the assholes the door

Reply Sun 17 Jun, 2018 03:00 pm
It’s probably considered disruptive when 20 people hate Trump and love the DNC, but one person points out that some of Trump’s policies began with Obama, and Democrats are corrupt, too.

Would that person be a troll??

Reply Sun 17 Jun, 2018 03:06 pm
Lash wrote:

It’s probably considered disruptive when 20 people hate Trump and love the DNC, but one person points out that some of Trump’s policies began with Obama, and Democrats are corrupt, too.

Would that person be a troll??


Damn straight he would be!

But only if he refused to recant after being scathingly insulted and downvoted by the crowd.

If you get up after they've all piled on, you're a troll.
Reply Sun 17 Jun, 2018 03:08 pm
I’m pretty ******* disruptive, eh?
Reply Sun 17 Jun, 2018 03:11 pm
Lash wrote:

I’m pretty ******* disruptive, eh?

Sho nuff. That's why I loves ya, Darlin. You aint no chump.

And, I might add, that's why the cheese-eaters hate you--because you aint no chump.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 17 Jun, 2018 03:39 pm
layman wrote:

Lash wrote:

It’s probably considered disruptive when 20 people hate Trump and love the DNC, but one person points out that some of Trump’s policies began with Obama, and Democrats are corrupt, too.

Would that person be a troll??


Damn straight he would be!

But only if he refused to recant after being scathingly insulted and downvoted
by the crowd.

If you get up after they've all piled on, you're a troll.

Heh. Bro.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 17 Jun, 2018 04:11 pm
It seems clear to me that trolling is subjective. People cheer Izzy and condemn Coldjoint for engaging in the same behavior. No one sees the trolls in their own tribe.
Reply Sun 17 Jun, 2018 04:17 pm
maxdancona wrote:

It seems clear to me that trolling is subjective. People cheer Izzy and condemn Coldjoint for engaging in the same behavior. No one sees the trolls in their own tribe.

I've seen no one disagree with what you're saying nor try to claim otherwise.

Do you think it likely that in addition to not being able to identify the trolls in your own tribe, that the trolls themselves wouldn't be able to identify themselves as trolls?
Reply Sun 17 Jun, 2018 04:25 pm
Lash wrote:

You seem to be having an odd moment, and I’m not going to expend a lot of energy pecking on my phone behind it.

You had a one-sided soliloquy; in it, you assigned lines and opinions to me, and now, you are repeating those lines and opinions you wrote, saying I did. That’s disappointing.

You created the hypothetical, and hypothesized comments by me that you are either intentionally or accidentally presenting as mine.

I said almost nothing to you about this subject, and in your mind, you’ve created volumes of lies attributed to me. It is easy to look back on, as you say.

I don’t know what’s going on with you, and I wish you well, but I’m not getting further drawn into your thing. I’d taken a break from reading you because of similar interactions with you previously. Let’s just do that.

Are you for real serious?

After all this, and you Still are unable to make any sort of direct, pertinent response?

You're a teacher, how about remembering Who, What, Why, When, Where?

What, and where have I made any of the things you accuse me of?

The only thing I have quoted you on is your saying you don't know why you think the way you do, and that you just do.

If I'm making a soliloquy, it's because you don't respond to questions.

What, by the way is wrong with creating hypothetical situations? If the conclusions I've come to with any hypothetical situations are incorrect, tell me how they are?
Incidently or on purpose presenting as yours....so what? That's what a hypothetical situation is. I've never said that IS why, I gave it as a possible, albeit pretty good chance. If I was incorrect, you have every opportunity to tell me what the reality is?

Do you have no idea how avoidant you are being? Things like saying I'm presenting hypothetical things, as if that's something wrong. Bringing up that you have to "peck away at your phone" to respond, as if that's anyone's issue/problem but your own.
If you think the reason is none of my business, then say so. If it not mine or anyone else's business on a public forum why you say something, then why in the world do you say it?

You've said almost nothing on the subject? Yeah, you finally named the gist of the problem. I guess that's some progress in some way. At least it's acknowledging you've not made any attempt to answer.

I asked a direct question, and you say nothing, except for talking around it and making it like the person asking questions is wrong. To the point that you come up with some internet slang that I guess someone else who has problems with explaining themselves came up with.

You know, if I were talking to someone, and they gave me the "I don't know why I think that way, I just do" line, and when asked about it, at least thought about it and said anything, like "I just like to say stuff and bank on the odds people aren't going to call me on it." or "I've got no reason, I just like to say that." or similar, I could accept that.

It is, as I hypothesized way back, because people do everything because they gain something out of it.

Instead, I hear I'm odd, weird, wordy, have problems, am the cause of them having to peck answers on their phone, etc, but with absolutely no answer to a simple direct question.

"I just do" is no answer.

Do you not think about why you do or say something?

So, you see nothing off with calling me names, making accussations directly toward me?

I know, I know, I'm not being flippant when I say I know I'm just annoying you, and you wish I'd stop, etc. The best you can do to stop it is running faster around the bush, saying more things you will not specifically pin point and so on.

If you can site specifically where I have misquoted you, show me. I'd be glad to fess up to it. But my saying what I think is going on is not lying or misquoting your words.

It seems that it fine if you do things like make assumptions, name call etc, but that privilege is yours alone.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 17 Jun, 2018 04:57 pm
Everyone is a troll. No matter what your opinion is, someone will take offense at it.

There are times when people are intentionally nasty and they know it.
Reply Sun 17 Jun, 2018 05:03 pm
chai2 wrote:

Setanta wrote:

That's a lie--you seem to be a legend in your own mind. If you post bullsh*t and people call bullsh*t, that doesn't mean that they're stalking you. If you start ranting about the Clintons again, as you have done here for fifteen years, in threads which are about your idol, Trump and not the Clijntons, I'll likely point it out again.

Set, I agree with you 100%.

Something lash wrote a few posts above was a revalation to me as to how she, and others see trolling.
I didn't write anything to you. You lied.
It came to me that the closest I can describe it is by using the Spanish verb "soy vs. estoy"

Soy is a permanent condition. I am a woman. Estoy is temporary. I am hungry.

I view a troll as a "soy" type of thing. I think lash would say it can be soy or estoy.

I would never, if someone I knew in general here to be an okay person, call them a troll because (a) they disagree with me on a particular thing and persist in the arguement past the point where I give up. Or (b) is someone I just dislike or don't care for in general, even to the point of putting them on ignore.

Trolls are people who have shown up at some point and their entire MO is to just be an asshole.

Everyone can be an asshole sometimes. That doesn't make you a troll.

I just googled what the definition of a troll is, and I just shook my head. Like so many other things, the definition has become so broad as to be useless.

I found such gems as "5 types of trolls", "10 types of trolls", and the best...."100 types of trolls" Jesus wept.

I looked to see what the "100 types of trolls were", and yeah, basically it boils down to "I don't like what you said, or when you said it"

Someone, like lash did in a conversation I was trying to have with her, says she doesn't know why she feels a certain way, she just does, and I'm the troll because I question and challenge her to figure out why she does. Instead, she calls me names (a troll), which is part of her definition of a troll.
We didn't have a conversation. You hypothesized a conversation with me. You made it up.
I gotta tell ya, it's got me flummoxed. Oh, and now I'm just pretending not to understand. Well, yeah, I guess I do understand some/alot of people want to just say vague stuff, it seems to me many times to maybe prove their existence?

In this way, I think someone like that poster "agent some number or another" is a troll. A harmless troll, but a troll. You know, the one that posts stuff like "Yes, I feel that way too", or "I agree, meatloaf sammiches are good" or "Just keep looking, you'll find your sould mate."

Someone, like Lash, but not restricted to her of course, simply sees a troll when the poster is making them uncomfortable, and they turn that into an accusation, or stalking, or name calling. It's easier for them that way.

You summarized a conversation that you had with yourself. I had no part in it.
Reply Sun 17 Jun, 2018 05:21 pm
“I agree” would have been enough. But having an offensive opinion to someone does not make you a troll. It might make you a bunch of things but troll isn’t one of them (at least the opinion by itself)
Reply Sun 17 Jun, 2018 05:35 pm
maporsche wrote:

“I agree” would have been enough. But having an offensive opinion to someone does not make you a troll.

I have no problem calling someone a troll if they are trying to be a jerk... the important thing in that case is intent.

Other than that, I see no difference between being a troll and expressong an opinion someone else finds offensive.
Reply Sun 17 Jun, 2018 05:35 pm
maporsche wrote:

“I agree” would have been enough. But having an offensive opinion to someone does not make you a troll. It might make you a bunch of things but troll isn’t one of them (at least the opinion by itself)

I agree with you here, but, from everything I've seen, every cheese-eater and his brother would vehemently disagree.

For them, the mere statement of any proposition they strongly disagree with is inherently "offensive." Like, Hitler kind of offensive, ya know? Any harm they try to do to the offender thereafter is fully justified because he, like Hitler, is innately evil. They are weak.

“Weak people cannot be sincere.” (La Rochefoucauld)
0 Replies
Reply Sun 17 Jun, 2018 05:45 pm
I don’t see a pint in disagreeing with you here. You’re not going to change your mind and I’m not going to deny the meaning of words.
Reply Sun 17 Jun, 2018 05:54 pm
It was 30 years ago that Jimmy the Greek got fired for saying this in response to an off-the-cuff question at a restaurant:

The black is a better athlete to begin with, because he's been bred to be that way. Because of his high thighs and big thighs that goes up into his back. And they can jump higher and run faster because of their bigger thighs. And he's bred to be the better athlete because this goes back all the way to the Civil War, when, during the slave trading, the big, the owner, the slave owner would, would, would, would breed his big black to his big woman so that he could have uh, uh big, uh big, uh big black kid, see. That's where it all started

You're welcome to disagree with every word he said, but why should he be fired for that?

Since then, that same cheese-eating mentality has just gotten progressively worse, year in, year out.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 17 Jun, 2018 06:09 pm
Lash wrote:

Something lash wrote a few posts above was a revalation to me as to how she, and others see trolling.
I didn't write anything to you. You lied.

Someone, like lash did in a conversation I was trying to have with her, says she doesn't know why she feels a certain way, she just does, and I'm the troll because I question and challenge her to figure out why she does. Instead, she calls me names (a troll), which is part of her definition of a troll.
We didn't have a conversation. You hypothesized a conversation with me. You made it up.

Someone, like Lash, but not restricted to her of course, simply sees a troll when the poster is making them uncomfortable, and they turn that into an accusation, or stalking, or name calling. It's easier for them that way.

You summarized a conversation that you had with yourself. I had no part in it.

Lash, come on, really?
Are you even reading the words?

In your first example, where did I say I had a conversation with you a few posts above? I said:
"Something lash wrote a few posts above was a revalation to me as to how she, and others see trolling."

something Lash wrote a few posts above.....meaning, well, something you wrote on a public forum a few posts above. A post anyone was able to read, and comment on, without there having been a conversation.

In your 2nd example, yeah Lash, I absolutely Was TRYING to have a conversation with you in another thread regarding why you said you think a certain way. You respond you didn't know why, you just do.

That is trying to have a conversation. Wasn't a good conversation, and didn't go anywhere because you shut down/gave meaningless info, but yeah, it was me attempting to have a conversation.

Your third example....In that abortion of an attempted conversation in another thread, I indicated I was, to your dismay I guess, making you uncomfortable by asking you to explain why you feel some way.

And yeah, in this thread you've been telling me I'm weird, odd, acussing me of me of engaging in some internet slang for being a troll, can't remember the word, and other.

Not like any of that is bothering me. I'm just really amazed at how a simple direct question re the Why of something is so bothering you. I can tell you why it's bothering to me. Because if someone asks me "why" about something, I'd answer with something other than "I don't know, I just do"

And no, I'm got giving false concern. I'm not worried or concerned about you. My mind just can't wrap around how some people, which includes you, can say something, be questioned why they said it, and they can't just think of why they do, and share the answer.

I mean, really Lash, if you want to show where I actually said the things you said I did, show me. You won't, because you can't, because it isn't there.

Reply Sun 17 Jun, 2018 06:16 pm
BTW, I'm not any of the people thumbing you down.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 17 Jun, 2018 06:40 pm
I am trying to see if there is a definition for troll other than the ones I already know. I am not disagreeing with you because you haven't said anything with which I disagree. I have seen two definitions of a troll.

1) A subjective label put on someone who expresses ideas you find offensive. In this case, a troll is in the eyes of the beholder.

2) Someone who intentionally says things for the sole purpose of upsetting or hurting other people.

Is there another definition?

0 Replies
Reply Sun 17 Jun, 2018 06:41 pm
Look back on your convoluted, meandering post and ask yourself why anyone would care to respond to it.

You incorrectly assumed “can’t”and created a narrative around it.

You lied repeatedly.

And, we’re done.
Reply Sun 17 Jun, 2018 06:56 pm
Ok, I gotta ask....

Where the **** have I lied?

You don't like my wordy style, tough.

Saying the words "Something lash wrote a few posts above was a revalation to me" is too complicated for you? It's something open to a myriad of meanings?

People respond to my posts all the time. The real question is, why don't you? Rather, why can't you?

See, that's an example, you state I should ask myself why anyone would respond to me.....You asked me why? I answered. I said people respond to me all the time.
Why/how can you not express why you feel a certain way?

Again, show me where I lied, and I'll look into it, and if necessary, explain.

Just saying "you lied" doesn't make it so Lash.

"we're" done?
You can only speak for yourself, don't drag me into it.
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