How has Hawkeye been treated by Robert? Hawk himself has said that he has never been banned. If Robert or anyone else has expressed personal animosity towards Hawk, it hasn't stopped him from posting. Before accusing Robert of having favorites, someone needs to have some data. Right now, the data supports Robert's stated belief in having a pretty free and open forum. All he is saying now is there will be a decency standard as well. How is that any different than real life?
I do think the question about the "in crowd" getting more of a pass than the more extreme elements is legitimate, but Robert has already said that the occasional outburst is not an issue, it is a sustained pattern of inappropriate behavior that triggers the ban. It wouldn't surprise me that someone with a history of positive contributions would get more leeway than someone with a history of non value-added confrontations, but we'll have to see how it plays out. Hawk has a history of confrontation, but he also has a history of starting interesting threads and representing positions that don't have many proponents. I don't in any way speak for Robert, but I don't see Hawk high on the banning list.