It is not a meatball war.
It is a frikadelle war. A frikadelle is shaped like a hamburger and in Scandinavia we make a big difference between meatballs and frikadeller.
In some ways I really understand what is happening in Randers.
In Sweden the schoolchildren get a warm meal and there is served, pork meat, chicken and vegetarian food. Something for everybody.
In some schools some Muslim parents did not want the pork meat to be served next to the rest of the food. OK rearranging the diningarea.
That was not good enough for some other parents in another school. The porkmeat had to be served in a seperate room or the Muslim children had to be served seperatly.
All of sudden some Swedes or Danes get all upset about maybe hurting the feelings of the newcomers or even people who have been living for decades in Scandinavia and start asking questions like can we serve pork meat?, do we really have to have churchbells ringing? should we not have men and women days at the swimmingpools?
It is not always the Muslims demanding things it is also Scandinavians being overly protectiv and afraid of being called racists or something else.
Bo Lidegaard is the editor of the daily newspaper Politiken and not the daily political newpaper - there are three large ones in Denmark and one is named Politiken.
Also, at the end of the war, Danish volunteers, together with Swedes and Norwegians arranged for the white bosses 1/ to collect prisoners from the German concentration camps and managed to save some 40,000 2/ Scandinavian men and women before they were obliterated in the camps.
Danish volunteers arranged for white busses not bosses.
Just in case some younger people think that there some racial discrimination going on.
As far as I can find they saved 6 000 Danes and 17 000 people all together.
That is about half of what is said in the article.