It is not just a question of teaching sexual behavior, but also equal rights for men and women in Scandinavia.
Sweden has taken many young men who say they are single underaged children around 15 - 17 years old. As no tests are done noone says anything, but according to teachers etc they are around 20 - 25
Year 2015 Sweden had more men than women in the agegroup 16 1to 7
and that in the whole Swedish history. 123 men per 100 women.
This is going to cause a problem in a few years when they all are looking for a partner.
There are certain dilemmas. A family arrives, husbond older than wife who is underaged according to Scandinavian law.
What to do? Seperate them? Wife and child/ren in one place and husbond is a pedeophile according to Scandinavian law or forget it as they are according to their country a man and wife.
It is not so easy to tell people to intergrate and do as the Romans do - in this case Scandinavians.
Many European who are third or fourth generation in USA still talk about being from X contry, they still eat the same food, sometimes speak the language. We think it is wonderful that Scandinavians hang on to their old traditions.
But when the Turks still hang on to theirs after 3or 4 generations we do not always accept it.
Why has it developed in that way? I wonder myself. For me there is a big difference in living your old traditions in a new country and living them and demanding other to do as you do