Thanks all for the wellwishes...
Nekochan's passing was gradual. Bless her;right to the end she determinedly staggered to her litter by
herself; she did not soil her bunk.
But two days before, she was unable to stand or sit upright.
Thus, just lying on her side with her abdomen heaving with every breath: it was then we stopped her
twice-daily insulin shots.
I fed her with my right hand while having her cradled on my left forearm.
She took to her favorite salmon Fancy Feast- and water- held up to her in this manner. And the way
she took to water brought to mind the account of Christ's crucifixion, where he was quoted "I thirst".
She got a good thorough brushing while lying on top of a couch backrest.
Qtipped her ears: it was then I kew for sure this was her final attention. Not a purr throughout.
This, and Mitsu, have been sad learning experiences.
All the while she enoyed the warmth of a heated pad- a small electric blanket, if you may.
It's waterproof with a washable slipcover.
And again the Nomads extend our sincere heartfelt sympathy to Msolga - as in our PM.