I'm so ******* bored I wanna kill myself just to liven the day up!!!
Can't find a THING I want to read.
The thing that gives me music in my room of exile is attached to a electric board that has stopped working. I assume the plug has come out of the wall, but it's behind a full filing cabinet so I ain't trying to find out.
Anyway, I probably couldn't find any music I want anyway.
I can't think of any DVD I could bear to watch.
The highlight of my day will be going out to buy more drugs.
I crawled around vacuuming on my hands and knees yesterday, but I think it made me a teensy bit worse, so I'd better not finish.
I don't actually want to talk to anyone, because I think I'd pull their teeth out through the phone for sadistic purposes because THAT'S the mood I'm in.
I have a report to write for work, but I can't sit to type for longer than a couple of minutes.
I feel like I've put on sixty poounds from enforced blobdom....
I think I am a TERRIBLE invalid.
A REALLY terrible invalid.
That ******* doctor better give me some decent painkillers so I can sleep.
The pain isn't so bad as long as I don't DO anything...except I apparently DO things in my sleep, which make it hurt a lot.
I think this involves the major excitement of sleeping on the bad side, or stretching my bad leg out.
My exercises are making me infinitely well acquainted with the dirt on my carpet.
Why can't I be an angelic invalid like Beth in Little Women?
If you put Beth near me, I'd torture her with hot tweezers until she swore.
I am a bad person.
I probably DESERVE a fucked disk.
I know I ought to be playing the glad game and thinking of the suffering of the millions of starving children and abused women.
Aren't you glad you asked?