I've only been there once this year, but we had so much fun, I'm making an effort to go more often. In the past, we made it a point to go on special occasions (at least four time out of the year). The questions are varied and are multiple choice so the faster you punch in the right choice, the more points are gained. It's more fun when there are a lot of people playing. We get very excited when we win. Aaah, the small pleasures of life.
Thanks much for the sympathy, Ossobuco

Clary, that's fantastic! Make sure you celebrate properly!
Raggedyaggie, what a fun idea!
The plan for Sat was to study for my final. It is now almost 11 p.m., and I've done nothing but daydream. So sad.
I blame my fiance for not winning the lottery.
...and my tv set for staying on all day. so thoughtless.
Hi, Jo, we possibly share a name as while I am osso, I am also Jo. Anyway, tell us about your final...
How am I?
Well, I am at work at 3.50 pm on Sunday - trying to get shipshape for my holiday, workwise......
I am all alone - and there are big muddy footprints wot oughtn't to be here - and weird noises.
I mean, I have investigated and all - but, if a bad person is lurking here - and kills me - and my friends trace me to here - tell them I said Pip can have the black hill tribe rice chest - and Steph is the arbiter otherwise......and if Craven wants my books, he can have 'em......
fades off to spooky music....
Memories of working in buildings by myself.
A describable one - excuse me, I presume you are ok, deb...
deb... deb...
anyway, presuming you are ok, there was the time R. Reagan shut down ucla upon the advent of student protests.
But htdmn, I need to change the dialysis equipment... lurk, lurk.
Well, once I was there, I filled out some notes, and so on.
No, nothing happened, but what a weird silence. Even on off times our labs used to be people'd at odd hours by folks doing a bit of work - things weren't so totally automated then.
Then there was the time...
ah, I'll wait while other folks' empty building stories are divulged.
dlowan wrote:fades off to spooky music....
I hope you've survived, Deb!
Deb ........ ?
heheeeh - made it.
But that was weird - usually I feel fine and don't hear weird things when I work up there on weekends.
Still - got the work done, and now I can holiday - I almost spooked myself enough to go home and then I would have had to go up on Monday!
But I have to get my hair done on Monday - so this made me brave.
I work in one mean neighbourhood.
Oh, PHEW, Deb ..... That's a relief!
The things a girl will endure so's she can have the time to get her hair done!
How long are you on holiday for?
Better'n a kick up the bum with a sharp stick!
That's Osso's little sweet person in a dog suit.
Joah! Happy Sunday. You seem all settled in and cozy in this new world of razzle dazzel. Hope your making new friends and such. Just touching in for a sec. Off to church then delivering a new Dodge Durango to my 19 yr old Birthday Son. Gotta race. Be Happy! Ta Ta!
Chuckster, Happy Birthday to him! I love birthdays. Any excuse to have something go my way, is my kind of day.
I'm one of those kooky types that make a big deal out of everything. There are only a few special days in the year to look forward to, so I don't like wasting them. My parents do that and life for them can be a drag. Then again, some people think I always have the energy of a bunny on crack, so I could be looking for an excuse to exert it.
dlowan wrote:Better'n a kick up the bum with a sharp stick!

I thought is was: better than a poke up the nose with a sharp stick! Enjoy, Deb, enjoy!!!
Joah: Blasting around here on a busy Monday! Hope your weekend was joy-filled. Appeared you were "connecting" with some outstanding souls right off the bat. You appear to have some courageous "sense of adventure" in your manner...makes you appealing and easy to like. Am certain I'm not the only one who identifies this.
Me? Grew up in San Antonio. Know Texas. Have lived in CA for a century. Gotta race.
Aww shucks. thanks.
I wouldn't mind living in SA when I graduate. Cheaper than Austin and Dallas.