I did CJ but can't help thinking I would fancy you more!
Ahh, I'm blushing now.
You sound lovely, DP. I bet you are too.
Dorothy, you outrageous flirt!
Leave her alone. i love flirting!
OK, I'm leaving now. Please continue your coversation.
Casino Joe wrote:Leave her alone. i love flirting!

msolga has left the room!
Carry on!
Sorry msolga couldn't resist it.
CJ I might start a flirty thread but then again, spendius might think it's an invitation.
Don't worry about him. He's completely insane anyway. You go ahead...
Only joking Spendius...
It's Mathos that dominates the flirtation, isn't it? Spendius just puts in a curmudgeonly oar from time to time.
Did you meet your date through the Net, is that why you didn't know if you'd fancy him, DP?
I'm very sore today from working very hard all week, but nothing a little rest won't cure.
I'm loving the 3 day weekends, but I miss my sweetheart from work during this time.
Enjoy your long weekend, Montana.
And try not to focus too much on him. :wink:
This has been one hell of a week. Where do I start? I'll try to condense it. It all started Tuesday. OK, let me back up. I work for my state's environmental agency. The state version of the US EPA. On Tuesday, I accompanied EPA on an inspection of a municipal facility in my state. We discovered that 20+ years ago, my current boss's predecessor had given approval for this municipality to do something illegal - to violate the federal Clean Water Act. The violation is still on-going. The old boss resigned five years ago. He told one guy that's still in the office about it, but this guy never told anyone else.
I was totally blind-sided by this revelation. I confronted the guy who knew about it and asked him why he didn't tell anyone. He now denies that he knew. I hate liars. I hope EPA prosecutes the old boss. He is a bad bad man.
Oooooooooh, how nasty & how very depressing, Swimpy!
I'm not depressed, Olga. I'm pissed! I just hope he and the city he conspired with get what they deserve.
I didn't mean that I thought
you were depressed by this, Swimpy. But that it's depressing that people we should be able to trust can actually do these sorts of things! Outrageous!
That stinks, Swimpy. Even if he didn't know (and it's just his word on that) he was responsible so his head should roll.
You're talking about my co-worker who new, I assume. yes, I agree. It won't happen though. He got a chewing out from the current boss. He gave me a half-hearted apology. He then promptly started complaining to others in the office how he wasn't to blame.
Well, it's Saturday. All that is behind me (or at least beside me temporarily) and the chips will fall as they may.
Montana wrote:I'm loving the 3 day weekends, but I miss my sweetheart from work during this time.
Cheer up, cuz. Hopefully, he's missing you, too! :wink:
Can your agency sue the former boss for his bad decision and/or the snarky employee for complicity, Swimpy?