Good Morning to All in Europe and good evening, afternoon, midnight, rise to Everyone else around the world!

Blimey, the concert was just amazing!

Xaver did his best.
There is a long path with big trees on the two sides just in the middle of the cemetery, there were chairs all the long path..I think there must have been at least 2500-3000 people gathering inside just to hear him play the organ..there was a big screen up and while he was playing Bach having the chrorus beside him, there were pictures shown of the cemetery, of beautiful stone angels and was the 255. anniversary of Johann Sebastian Bach's death, that was the apropo for the concert.
It was just wonderful and breathtaking...everyone was sitting there, all in a precious mood...
I could just catch my last tube on my way home, so around midnight I arrived home, and got under the icy shower, because it was 30 degrees even that late!!! :uhh