Regarding the Attacks in Paris:

Reply Wed 25 Nov, 2015 02:34 am
The only thing that really doesn't matter is your over simplistic assessment of what's going on. It was Republican stupidity that started this mess, and Republican stupidity can only make it worse.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 25 Nov, 2015 02:35 am
You're wasting your time. They have come to a decision based on pig ignorance and prejudice. Facts and reason don't come into it.
Reply Wed 25 Nov, 2015 07:25 am
They have come to a decision based on pig ignorance and prejudice.

Mirror mirror on the wall where is there is a mirror for Izzy?
Reply Wed 25 Nov, 2015 08:19 am
Another post that shot over your head. I actually know something of the complexities of the situation. You just shout louder and louder because it's beyond your grasp. No wonder you have to seek refuge in fairy tales.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 25 Nov, 2015 10:03 am
Muslims don't like westerners, that's true, but when push comes to shove, what they like best is takin out their rusty-ass pocket knife and hackin off the head of some other muslim, eh?

“Zarqawi favors butchering Shias, calling them "the most evil of mankind . . . the lurking snake, the crafty and malicious scorpion, the spying enemy, and the penetrating venom."
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Nov, 2015 12:07 am

ISIS Video Vows War Against World: Islamic State Targets Include Mexico, China, Japan, Russia, US, Iran --ISIS has released a new video in which the group threatens 60 countries:

The Islamic State group (aka ISIS or ISIL) released a new video Wednesday, this one featuring a voice taunting and telling the U.S. and other countries fighting the terrorist group to “bring it on.” A deep voice speaking in fluent English touts ISIS' successes in establishing “a state built on the prophetic methodology”...

“This is the source of our glory: our obedience to our lord. We are uncompromising in our call to Tawhid [Islamic monotheism]. We only call to Allah, unlike the countless deviant factions raising their false banners,” the voice says.

The narrator also boasts that ISIS territory is “already greater than Britain, eight times the size of Belgium, and thirty times the size of Qatar.... Bring it on! All of you. Your numbers only increase us in faith, and we’re counting your banners, which our prophet said would reach 80 in number and then the flames of war will finally burn you on the hills of death. Bring it on!…our ally is Allah.”


The video is at that site.

Among other things, it says universal Sharia Law must be established, eh? These cockroaches will be trying to hide in whatever dark crevices they can find in over 60 countries until they can emerge, under cover of darkness, and blow some **** up--including as many citizens as possible.

Two words:

Tactical Nukes.
Reply Thu 26 Nov, 2015 10:49 pm
Bloody Furniture!

Warning: this posted with tongue firmly in cheek.
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Reply Thu 26 Nov, 2015 11:15 pm
I've liked you, layman, but I'm off now. Your palaver has grown into weird to me.

Tactical nukes? I get it that you play, but this stuff isn't funny.
Reply Thu 26 Nov, 2015 11:24 pm
Tactical nukes? I get it that you play, but this stuff isn't funny.

That's cool, Jo, I aint laughin neither.
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Reply Fri 27 Nov, 2015 04:22 am
The narrator also boasts...

Talk's cheap. I remember GW on the bow of some enormous ship under a slogan saying something about "mission accomplished" in Iraq.

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Reply Sun 29 Nov, 2015 04:53 am
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bobsal u1553115
Reply Sun 29 Nov, 2015 02:02 pm
Have you ever in your miserable little life ever responded directly to the issues with fact, TonyRM?
bobsal u1553115
Reply Sun 29 Nov, 2015 02:07 pm
So, layman, out of the 30,000 or so ISIS warriors what really has you wee-weeing your drawers - the ISIS Navy, the ISIS Airforce, or the ISIS nuclear threat to the tiny unprotected 360,000,000 population of the US?

Could you please panic any louder?

Seriously - who's sock account are you? I'm thinking maybe hawkshite's.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 29 Nov, 2015 02:36 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
Facts such as all the mass and individual murders that ISIS had been bragging about not to mention little crimes such as destroying the remains of ancient cities and promoting sexual slavery and on and on.

Yes we should just pretend that this evil does not exist and let them go on their merry ways.

As after all most of the murders are happening far away to Muslims and we do not care about Muslims.
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bobsal u1553115
Reply Sun 29 Nov, 2015 02:49 pm
The scariest thing about Islamic State? Its kinder, gentler side.
By Jacqueline Lopour November 27, 2015 via Reuters

The attacks on Paris brought Islamic State’s brutality home to the Western world. Before last week, reports of the group’s atrocities were shocking but easier to dismiss, happening far beyond European borders. The world expressed outrage but largely stood by as the group pushed out recruitment propaganda depicting sex slavery and the brutal torture and murder of its captives. These incidents are horrific, but they overshadow a more insidious, long-term threat: Islamic State’s kinder, gentler side.

Thousands of peace-loving people live in Islamic State-occupied areas and are fed a steady stream of positive propaganda: Islamic State members feeding the poor, and hosting ice cream socials, carnivals, and tug-of-war contests. Islamic State is trying — and in some areas, succeeding — in winning hearts and minds. Left unchecked, its public support will grow, making the group more difficult to defeat in the long run and giving it the space it needs to conduct future attacks like those in Paris and Beirut.

Charlie Winter, of the counter-extremism think tank Quilliam, performed a month-long study of Islamic State propaganda. Winter discovered that — contrary to what we see in Western media — over half of Islamic State propaganda shows people going about everyday activities in a peaceful and normal manner.

In many ways, the group serves as a functioning government in the areas it controls, offering services once provided by the Syrian and Iraqi regimes. It collects taxes, picks up trash, runs schools, issues marriage licenses, provides security, and even employs former government bureaucrats to make sure everything runs smoothly. In Syria’s Deir ez-Zor province, Islamic State has issued regulations to protect natural resources and the environment, suggesting that the group is settled in for the long run. Some Syrian citizens under Islamic State control claim that the group’s efforts have helped return some sense of normalcy to their lives, a welcome reprieve from the grueling civil war.

One resident of an Islamic State-controlled city told Time magazine that he originally opposed Islamic State, but changed his mind after it paid for his brother’s wedding, provided him with fuel, and helped fix his neighbour’s house. Islamic State also carefully controls what those under its control can read and hear: outside media and anti-Islamic State messages are forbidden. This is terrifying. Given enough time, this captive audience could eventually determine that Islamic State’s harsh system of rule is worth the veneer of peace and normality, and grow to support the group. This is classic Stockholm Syndrome, but on a much wider and far more devastating scale.

There is precedent for such a transformation. In the 1990s, the Taliban gained considerable public support by establishing law and order in a chaotic Afghanistan. Groups such as Hamas and Hezbollah used charitable acts and social welfare programs to transform themselves from violent fringe groups into political entities with support from wide swaths of the population. Both groups have devoted significant time and resources to social welfare wings, which support schools, libraries, medical clinics, orphanages, food aid, and sports leagues. By 2006, Hamas had enough support to win a decisive victory in Palestine’s parliamentary election. By 2008, Hezbollah had gained control of over a third of Lebanon’s cabinet seats.

Reply Sun 29 Nov, 2015 03:12 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
Thousands of peace-loving people live in Islamic State-occupied areas and are fed a steady stream of positive propaganda: Islamic State members feeding the poor, and hosting ice cream socials, carnivals, and tug-of-war contests. Islamic State is trying — and in some areas, succeeding — in winning hearts and minds. Left unchecked, its public support will grow, making the group more difficult to defeat in the long run and giving it the space it needs to conduct future attacks like those in Paris and Beirut.




SIL compels people in the areas that it controls to live according to its interpretation of sharia law.[291][300] There have been many reports of the group's use of death threats, torture and mutilation to compel conversion to Islam,[291][300] and of clerics being killed for refusal to pledge allegiance to the so-called "Islamic State".[301] ISIL directs violence against Shia Muslims, Alawites, Assyrian, Chaldean, Syriac and Armenian Christians, Yazidis, Druze, Shabaks and Mandeans in particular.[302]
ISIL fighters are targeting Syria's minority Alawite sect.[303][304] The Islamic State and affiliated jihadist groups reportedly took the lead in an offensive on Alawite villages in Latakia Governorate of Syria in August 2013.[305][306]
Amnesty International has held ISIL responsible for the ethnic cleansing of ethnic and religious minority groups in northern Iraq on a "historic scale". In a special report released on 2 September 2014, it describes how ISIL has "systematically targeted non-Arab and non-Sunni Muslim communities, killing or abducting hundreds, possibly thousands, of individuals and forcing more than 830,000 others to flee the areas it has captured since 10 June 2014". Among these people are Assyrian Christians, Turkmen Shia, Shabak Shia, Yazidis, Kaka'i and Sabean Mandeans, who have lived together for centuries in Nineveh province, large parts of which came under ISIL's control.[307][308]
Among the known killings of religious and minority group civilians carried out by ISIL are those in the villages and towns of Quiniyeh (70–90 Yazidis killed), Hardan (60 Yazidis killed), Sinjar (500–2,000 Yazidis killed), Ramadi Jabal (60–70 Yazidis killed), Dhola (50 Yazidis killed), Khana Sor (100 Yazidis killed), Hardan (250–300 Yazidis killed), al-Shimal (dozens of Yazidis killed), Khocho (400 Yazidis killed and 1,000 abducted), Jadala (14 Yadizis killed)[309] and Beshir (700 Shia Turkmen killed),[310] and others committed near Mosul (670 Shia inmates of the Badush prison killed),[310] and in Tal Afar prison, Iraq (200 Yazidis killed for refusing conversion).[309] The UN estimated that 5,000 Yazidis were killed by ISIL during the takeover of parts of northern Iraq in August 2014.[311] In late May 2014, 150 Kurdish boys from Kobani aged 14–16 were abducted and subjected to torture and abuse, according to Human Rights Watch.[312] In the Syrian towns of Ghraneij, Abu Haman and Kashkiyeh 700 members of the Sunni Al-Shaitat tribe were killed for attempting an uprising against ISIL control.[313][314] The UN reported that in June 2014 ISIL had killed a number of Sunni Islamic clerics who refused to pledge allegiance to it.[301]
Christians living in areas under ISIL control who want to remain in the "caliphate" face three options: converting to Islam, paying a religious levy—jizya—or death.[315][316] "We offer them three choices: Islam; the dhimma contract – involving payment of jizya; if they refuse this they will have nothing but the sword", ISIL said.[317] ISIL had already set similar rules for Christians in Ar-Raqqah, once one of Syria's more liberal cities.[318][319]
On 23 February 2015, in response to a major Kurdish offensive in the Al-Hasakah Governorate, ISIL abducted 150 Assyrian Christians from villages near Tal Tamr (Tell Tamer) in northeastern Syria, after launching a large offensive in the region.[320][321]
It was claimed that ISIL campaigns against Kurdish and Yezidi enclaves in Iraq and Syria were a part of organised Arabization plans. For instance, a Kurdish official in Iraqi Kurdistan claimed that the ISIL campaign in Sinjar was a case of Arabization campaign.[322]
Treatment of civilians
See also: Killing of captives by ISIL
During the Iraqi conflict in 2014, ISIL released dozens of videos showing its ill treatment of civilians, many of whom had apparently been targeted on the basis of their religion or ethnicity. Navi Pillay, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, warned of war crimes being committed in the Iraqi war zone, and disclosed a UN report of ISIL militants murdering Iraqi Army soldiers and 17 civilians in a single street in Mosul. The UN reported that in the 17 days from 5 to 22 June, ISIL killed more than 1,000 Iraqi civilians and injured more than 1,000.[323][324][325] After ISIL released photographs of its fighters shooting scores of young men, the UN declared that cold-blooded "executions" by militants in northern Iraq almost certainly amounted to war crimes.[326]
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Reply Sun 29 Nov, 2015 03:22 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
My a posting of an out and out lie concerning ISIS being nice to the people under their rule got a 12 votes up.

There is something very strange and rotten about that happening.

How many accounts had ISIS supporters or ISIS members themselves had open here of late?
Reply Sun 29 Nov, 2015 04:23 pm
What is strange and rotten is what counts for thinking down your place. You misunderstood the article which was actually about a propaganda offensive targeted at the young. Most have been in a warzone and prior to that were the wrong faith in Assad's Syria. Any form of security is seen as better than the chaos that preceded it, and they may think it preferable to what could replace it.

That's a problem, it's a very real problem. Your inability to comprehend what's happened or may happen doesn't make it any less of a problem.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 29 Nov, 2015 05:34 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
...reports of the group’s atrocities were shocking but easier to dismiss...The world expressed outrage but largely stood by as the group pushed out recruitment propaganda depicting sex slavery and the brutal torture and murder of its captives

Left unchecked, its public support will grow, making the group more difficult to defeat in the long run and giving it the space it needs to conduct future attacks like those in Paris and Beirut.

Dizzy: That's a problem, it's a very real problem.

Indeed, Dizzy. Why, then, is your agenda to just let ISIS settle in and get cozy, firmly entrenched, and "legitimate?" Who's giving you orders?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 29 Nov, 2015 05:43 pm
My a posting of an out and out lie concerning ISIS being nice to the people under their rule got a 12 votes up.

There is something very strange and rotten about that happening.

Sho nuff, Bill. The crowd here is delighted to see anything posted that might tend to portray ISIS in a harmless, benign, non-threatening light.

What's up with that?


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